October 4, 2006 at 11:32 am
Hi all - anyone know if this is possible in management studio 2K5? Thanks!
October 5, 2006 at 2:25 am
Not quite sure exactly what you're after here... If you want a script of the existing permissions in a database, in Object Explorer right click on the database in question, and select the Tasks / Generate Scripts option. Select Next. In the Script Wizard window which appears, scroll down and set "Script object-level permissions" to true. Select Next. Select the types of objects you want to script permissions for. Select Next. Select the specific objects you want to select permissions for. Select Finish, and Finish again. You should have a script of object permissions for the selected objects in a new query window.
October 5, 2006 at 9:19 am
Thanks! So it's not possible to script out a stored procedure in management studio that includes all the permissions on that stored proc?
October 5, 2006 at 12:53 pm
I think it's possible to do in two steps, but not one. I hope that answers your question
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