Scripting Snapshot Replication - How do you?

  • Everything has been “manually” done for quite some time now; but the scripting has proven to be a challenge.  It should be trivial since all that is involved is hitting “Generate SQL Script”; but that’s not Microsoft sometimes.  The script that is created generates an error that I have been unable to resolve.  It also does not re-create one of the steps that I can modify the script to handle (the registration of the subscription database).


    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hi,

    I have never had any problems with this. What error are you getting?

    The replication script assumes you have all your servers in place and communicating with one another. All the script does is automate the manual process of creating publications,articles and subscriptions.


  • Graeme,  Thanks for your response.  I should have closed this thread out.  The problem was apparently because I tried to generate the script before completing the replication process entirely (i.e., to include subscriptions).  The error that I could not fix was an "empty step" in the job...  Re-adding the DB registration was a simple process; but the MS scripts do not do it...

    What I really need, however, is a script that will re-create the files to do replication based on parameters.  I don't so much need a script to re-create replication as it currently exists.

    Anyway, thanks for the response.  I do appreciate you very much.


    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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