Scripting server & database level permissions in SQL 2005

  • Hi. Does anyone know if there is a way to script all the server-level login permissions as well as all the database-level users and application roles, and any relationship between them?

    I am able to script out all the object-level permissions without a problem, but I would like a way to automate scripting out all other essential permissions. I've looked around for articles but am having a hard time finding a way to do it in an automated fashion. I have stumbled across a couple things, but it seems like I still need to execute the script per login/user/role.

    Thanks for any help!

  • Vicki

    You should always check out scripts section 🙂

    Alex S
  • Perhaps I am missing something, but this seems to handle everything on the database level. I am looking for server-level scripting as well.

  • Vicki Peters (6/27/2011)

    Perhaps I am missing something, but this seems to handle everything on the database level. I am looking for server-level scripting as well.

    you can find the script to create these roles inside the "u_tables.sql" file.

    On a default instance this file is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Install folder



    Sushant Kumar

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