Scripting INSERTs

  • Yelena Varshal (12/29/2008)

    I mostly use CSV / BCP or MS ACCESS for that.

    One key point about ths approach is that it's "quick and dirty" - if all you want to do is copy a few records from one database to another, and particularly if you have query windows open to both already, it's considerably quicker, easier, and I would guess in most cases less error prone to do it this way than messing about exporting to CSV, re-importing etc. The cut and paste of the script serves as a sanity check - a preview of what it's going to do before you actually do it, which I think can be a bit more transparent than kicking a SSIS, DTS or BCP job off.

  • Although I agree that there is merit in this technique (as I've used it myself on previous projects). I would say this "quick and dirty" attempt is like re-inventing the wheel and making it oval! It's been done before and been done better as a quick search on the web will show. Personally I used the usp_generate_inserts procedure mentioned above with a few personal enhancements.

    In terms of when this technique is useful, sripting an entire database to text files (schema and data) means you can:

    - place the scripts in source control

    - perform simple data comparisson

    - ease deployment (you'd be surprised how many DBA's refuse to or are not competent to do anything other than run SQL scripts)

    I tend to script out the static metadata e.g. product_type and include the insert script with the create table script.

    There are many enhancements that could be made e.g.

    - Using NVARCHAR(MAX) so as not to exceed the 4000/8000 character limit

    - handling binary data correctly

    - why not generate a single insert instead of 1 per row e.g. INSERT ... SELECT ... UNION ALL SELECT ...

    - why not make the insert re-runnable e.g. using a WHERE NOT EXISTS clause to only insert data that's not already there

    - even better with SQL 2008 you could generate a MERGE query to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE as appropriate

  • Adam Tappis (12/30/2008)

    Although I agree that there is merit in this technique (as I've used it myself on previous projects). I would say this "quick and dirty" attempt is like re-inventing the wheel and making it oval!

    I prefer the comparison that I show you a hammer, and you say "but it's not a screwdriver!". I continue to find it useful from time to time, and will continue to use it - if you don't - well, don't use it!

    This is nothing more than something I knocked up in an idle few minutes that I thought was worth sharing. I did google for something similar first, but didn't hit on the right combination of search terms. One thing I was trying to achieve was to keep things as simple as possible while getting to the intended result, so that the procedure itself would perhaps spark some ideas in people about what could be done in terms of using SQL to write SQL.

    - place the scripts in source control

    - perform simple data comparisson

    - ease deployment (you'd be surprised how many DBA's refuse to or are not competent to do anything other than run SQL scripts)

    This really goes way beyond the intention here. I guess you could use it to script some key coding table data, and source control that, but really that's not what it is for (personally, I would tend to use something like Red Gate SQL Data Compare for that). I use this for much more "ad hoc" tasks - when setting up a SQL Compare project or a SSIS/DTS job would be overkill.

    - Using NVARCHAR(MAX) so as not to exceed the 4000/8000 character limit

    I still have some SQL 2000 databases it needs to work on. No reason not to change it for SQL 2005 and above ...

    - handling binary data correctly

    Personally, just didn't feel the need - if it gets much beyond what can be verified visually, either in number of records, number of fields or the data types it needs to operate on, using any of the several other available solutions might be more appropriate. I guess it would be easy enough to do.

    - why not generate a single insert instead of 1 per row e.g. INSERT ... SELECT ... UNION ALL SELECT ...

    Certainly could do - but why? This is intended for a small number of records, so performance is not a particular issue. Mind you, t would mitigate considerably the string length limitations for tables with a lot of columns I guess. I tend not to use this where there are a lot of columns though - I would prefer using something like SQL Data Compare that gives me a more digestible preview of what is going to happen in those cases.

    - why not make the insert re-runnable e.g. using a WHERE NOT EXISTS clause to only insert data that's not already there

    Presumably based on ascertaining the key fields? Again, I was staying away from the additional complexity because I didn't particularly feel the need, and also with the limitations on string length brought about by the general approach, this could itself cause some problems.

    - even better with SQL 2008 you could generate a MERGE query to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE as appropriate

    See SQL 2000 comment earlier.

  • Hi all,

    this is a really good idea.

    I struggled sometimes about the need to get a few thousend rows from one database into a local test database, which could be done vrey easy by this code, Thanks for this.

    But it would be fine, if such a functionality could be located in a "tools" database, so I improved the code a bit.

    Now it is possible to point to the the target database with a additional input parameter of the procedure. Hope, that is an improvement someone needs.


    Here is the code:


    -- Function to format the output value for inclusion in the VALUES list


    CREATE FUNCTION spVal(@str nvarchar(4000)) RETURNS nvarchar(4000) AS


    DECLARE @res nvarchar(4000)


    SET @res = 'NULL'


    SET @res = 'N''' + REPLACE(@str, '''', '''''') + ''''





    -- Function for the special case of formatting the output value for

    -- inclusion in the VALUES list


    CREATE FUNCTION spMVal(@val money) RETURNS nvarchar(4000) AS


    DECLARE @res nvarchar(4000)

    IF @val IS NULL

    SET @res = 'NULL'


    SET @res = CONVERT(varchar(20), @val, 2)





    -- Create a script for inserting data into the specified table, based

    -- on the optional condition


    -- i.e

    -- EXEC[dbo].[spScriptInsert]

    --@database = N'Test',

    --@table = N'Pricing'


    CREATE PROC spScriptInsert(@database sysname,

    @table varchar(80),

    @condition varchar(80) = '1=1')


    DECLARE @fields nvarchar(4000)

    , @values nvarchar(4000)

    , @sql nvarchar(4000)

    , @fieldname nvarchar(128)

    , @colorder int

    , @type varchar(40)

    if object_id('tempdb..##fields') is not null

    DROP table ##fields

    SET @sql ='SELECT top 100 colorder,, as type

    INTO ##fields

    FROM ' + @database + '.dbo.syscolumns

    JOIN ' + @database + '.dbo.sysobjects ON =

    JOIN ' + @database + '.dbo.systypes ON systypes.xusertype = syscolumns.xusertype

    WHERE = ''' + @table + ''' and <> ''text''

    ORDER BY colorder'

    EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql

    DECLARE fieldscursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT [colorder], [name], [type]

    FROM ##fields

    ORDER BY colorder

    OPEN fieldscursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM fieldscursor INTO @colorder, @fieldname, @type

    SET @fields = ''

    SET @values = ''



    SET @fields = @fields + ',[' + @fieldname + ']'

    IF @type = 'money'

    -- Special case for "money" type

    SET @values = @values + '+'',''+dbo.spMVal([' + @fieldname + '])'


    SET @values = @values + '+'',''+dbo.spVal([' + @fieldname + '])'

    FETCH NEXT FROM fieldscursor INTO @colorder, @fieldname, @type


    DEALLOCATE fieldscursor

    SET @sql = 'SELECT ''INSERT INTO ' + @table + '(' +

    SUBSTRING(@fields, 2, 2000) +

    ') VALUES (''+ ' +

    SUBSTRING(@values, 6, 1000) + '+'')'' FROM ' +

    @database + '.dbo.' + @table + ' WHERE ' + @condition

    EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql


  • Handy bit of code.

    I personally use SSMS Tools Pack's "Generate Insert Statements" function ( directly within SSMS which also works with SQL 2000 however your version caters for the need when the generation must be scripted.

  • Mmm, cursor don't loops over rows in the source table, but fields in the source table...


    David Rodríguez

  • It shouldn't need to cursor through the fields either.

    Below is a version I'd used in the past. I've just updated it for SQL 2005 and 2008. It's not got lot's of bells and whistles, but supports multiple tables/schemas (using wildcard in table and schema name) and as far my testing goes, supports all the new data types (some additional enhancement may be required to handle sql_variant and UDT's).

    It also uses a cursor, but only to iterate over all the tables that match the parameter definitions.

    Oh, and it supports scripting data from views.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_generate_inserts]



    Generates an insert script for the specified object(s)


    This stored procedure will generate an INSERTS script for the data contained in

    a table or view. It supports wildcards for both table anme and schema parameters.


    script data from [dbo].[test]

    EXECUTE usp_generate_inserts 'test'

    script data from all tables that begin with dim in the warehouse schema

    EXECUTE usp_generate_inserts 'dim%', 'warehouse'


    SQL Server 2005 and 2008

    $Created By Date


    Adam Tappis 31 Dec 2008



    @i_table_name NVARCHAR(255) = NULL

    , @i_schema_name NVARCHAR(255) = 'dbo'





    , @vsCols NVARCHAR(MAX)

    , @vsTableName SYSNAME

    , @maxID INT



    , [--sqltext] NVARCHAR(MAX))

    CREATE TABLE #tmp2


    , [--sqltext] NVARCHAR(MAX))



    SELECT QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME([name])

    FROM sys.objects

    WHERE type IN ('U', 'V')

    AND [name] LIKE ISNULL(@i_table_name, [name])

    AND SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) LIKE ISNULL(@i_schema_name, SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id))

    ORDER BY [name]

    OPEN csrTables


    FROM csrTables

    INTO @vsTableName

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    SELECT @vsSQL = ''

    , @vsCols = ''

    SELECT @vsSQL = @vsSQL

    + CASE

    -- ignore timestamp columns

    WHEN IN ('timestamp') THEN ''

    -- handle binary types

    WHEN IN ('image','binary','varbinary','geography','geometry') THEN

    'ISNULL(sys.fn_varbintohexstr(CAST(' + + ' AS VARBINARY(MAX))),


    -- handle GUID columns

    WHEN in ('uniqueidentifier') THEN

    'ISNULL('''''''' + CAST(' + + ' AS CHAR(36)) +


    -- handle date and time types

    WHEN LIKE '%date%' OR LIKE '%time%' THEN

    'ISNULL('''''''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),' + + ',113) +


    -- handle string types

    WHEN in ('sql_variant','varchar','char','nvarchar','nchar','sysname','xml',

    'text', 'ntext','hierarchyid') THEN

    'ISNULL(''' + CASE LEFT(,1) WHEN 'n' THEN 'N' ELSE '' END + '''''''+'

    + 'REPLACE(CAST(' + + ' AS


    -- numeric types

    ELSE 'ISNULL(CAST(' + + ' AS VARCHAR(MAX)),''NULL'')+'',''+'


    FROM sys.columns sc

    JOIN sys.types st

    ON sc.user_type_id = st.user_type_id

    WHERE sc.object_id = OBJECT_ID(@vsTableName)

    ORDER BY column_id

    SELECT @vsCols = @vsCols + + ','

    FROM sys.columns sc

    JOIN sys.types st

    ON sc.user_type_id = st.user_type_id

    WHERE sc.object_id = OBJECT_ID(@vsTableName)

    AND <> 'timestamp'

    ORDER BY column_id

    SELECT @vsSQL = STUFF(@vsSQL,LEN(@vsSQL) - 2, 3, '''')

    , @vsCols = STUFF(@vsCols,LEN(@vsCols), 1, '')

    INSERT #tmp

    EXEC ('SELECT ' + @vsSQL + ' FROM ' + @vsTableName)

    -- Check if any rows were present

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #tmp) > 0


    SELECT @maxID = MAX(id)

    FROM #tmp

    UPDATE #tmp

    SET [--sqltext] = 'SELECT ' + SUBSTRING([--sqltext],1,DATALENGTH([--sqltext])-1)

    + CASE id WHEN @maxID THEN '' ELSE CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + ' UNION ALL' END

    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'DELETE FROM ' + @vsTableName + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'GO' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(@vsTableName) AND is_identity = 1) > 0


    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + @vsTableName + ' ON'


    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'INSERT ' + @vsTableName + '(' + @vsCols + ')'

    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT [--sqltext]

    FROM #tmp

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(@vsTableName) AND is_identity = 1) > 0


    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + @vsTableName + ' OFF'


    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT 'GO' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'UPDATE STATISTICS ' + @vsTableName + CHAR(13) +

    CHAR(10) + 'GO'

    DELETE #tmp




    INSERT #tmp2

    SELECT '-- Now rows in table ' + @vsTableName



    FROM csrTables

    INTO @vsTableName


    CLOSE csrTables

    DEALLOCATE csrTables

    UPDATE #tmp2

    SET [--sqltext] = SUBSTRING([--sqltext], 1, CHARINDEX(',)', [--sqltext]) - 1)

    + ',NULL)'

    WHERE CHARINDEX(',)', [--sqltext]) <> 0

    UPDATE #tmp2

    SET [--sqltext] = REPLACE([--sqltext], ',''''', ',NULL')

    WHERE CHARINDEX(',''''', [--sqltext]) <> 0

    UPDATE #tmp2

    SET [--sqltext] = REPLACE([--sqltext], '(''''', ',NULL')

    WHERE CHARINDEX('(''''', [--sqltext]) <> 0

    SELECT [--sqltext]

    FROM #tmp2

    ORDER BY id



  • This seems to be addressing a different issue to the one I was trying to solve. First of all, it's pretty tied to SQL server 2005 and above - e.g. use of "sys.objects" rather than "sysobjects" - I wanted to retain the backwards compatibility, at least for the time being!

    Adam Tappis (1/2/2009)

    It's not got lot's of bells and whistles, but supports multiple tables/schemas (using wildcard in table and schema name)

    I think this, together with the omission of a condition parameter, is the biggest indication that it's trying to do something different to what I set out to do. The article starts:

    I found myself using DTS fairly frequently to transfer trivial amounts of data from one database to another - frequently fairly small volumes, such as new additions to coding tables, and restoring that one record or two that someone had accidentally deleted.

    So I'm not really setting out to transfer large quantities of data from several tables - in fact, I would tend not to use this if the output were more than I could comfortably scroll through and do a quick sanity check. I've got SQL Data Compare - I'm not seeking to reinvent that particular wheel.

    It shouldn't need to cursor through the fields either.

    It certainly doesn't need to use a cursor to iterate through the fields, but I don't really feel any reason not to - I think it makes what it is doing reasonably clear, and performance in this context isn't really an issue, since it is only runs occasionally on quite a small data set (i.e. the set of columns for the single table specified - it wasn't the original intention to iterate across several, in particular since in many cases a condition would be present, and the same condition might well not make sense on several different tables).

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