Scripting DB

  • I want to have a full db script but ,The problem is its taking hell a lot of time ,so many hours ,any other way to script the db as a whole



  • You can use the stored procedure indicated below to script all the databases in your server except DBs that are in 'not in' clause. Also you can search the usage of scptxfr.exe.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_GenerateDBScripts @FolderName varchar(150) AS

    -- Author: Haidong Ji

    -- Purpose: This stored procedure will generate DB scripts

    -- for each user databases on this server.

    -- Note that DB property info will not be generated, such as file location,

    -- recovery model, and other db options like Auto Update Statistics,

    -- Auto Shrink, etc.

    --Note also that you can use UNC path for output file.

    -- ***Important*** Depending upon your installation of SQL Server,

    -- you might need to change the directory name

    -- to get to the scptxfr.exe utility

    set nocount on

    declare @DBName varchar(50)

    Declare @CMD Varchar(1000)

    --Check whether the user supply \ in the directory name

    if not (right(@FolderName, 1) = '\')

     set @FolderName = @FolderName + '\'

    declare UserDB_Cursor cursor fast_forward for

    select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'pubs', 'northwind', 'msdb')

    open UserDB_Cursor

    fetch next from UserDB_Cursor into @DBName



    Select @CMD='Exec master..xp_cmdshell ''"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\upgrade\scptxfr.exe" /I /s '

    +@@SERVERNAME+' /d ' + @DBName + ' /f ' + @FolderName + @DBName + '_'+


    '.sql /r /O /Y /G '''

    print @CMD

    Exec (@CMD)

    fetch next from UserDB_Cursor into @DBName


    close UserDB_Cursor

    deallocate UserDB_Cursor


  • You can also script in stages, tables, then views, then procs, then logins, etc.

  • The script is fundastic I feel (I didn't try ).But Mr johnes my problem is more complicated I feel ,if I am trying to script the tables alone ,after some 14 % completion in status bar it stands still .Any Idea about this or only option remains is xp_commandshell ,The server is resonable I feel Compaq Proliant 7000 ,2 PIII Xions ,36 GB Hrd Drives



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