• I have a SSIS database backup package that I am planning to install on our "common" SQL 2005 instance. This instance contains all the security, maintenance, and common code elements for our enterprise. All of our other SQL instances have a linked server to this common instance, so that they all have access to it.

    What this package does is backup all our other application instances from this common instance- reading the instance properties from a table within the common instance (which instances to backup, which ones will get a log backup, which ones will we backup the system dbs on, etc.).

    For my log backups, I have a sql script template file that I am executing on each instance to backup (The backup database task in SSIS does not work for doing log backups on multiple databases- so that was not an option). This template is simply the actual procedure that will execute the BACKUP LOG for each database on that instance that has been set to backup. I create this procedure on each instance to be backed up, then execute it, then drop it. This works very well in most cases except when I am backing up the common instance itself... Here's the offending code:





    sys.databases s


    recovery_model_desc = 'FULL'

    AND state_desc = 'ONLINE'

    AND user_access_desc = 'MULTI_USER'




    Common.Security.dbo.Backup_Instance i


    Common.Security.dbo._Backup_Log_Exclusions e ON i.instance_id = e.instance_id

    WHERE = SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName')

    AND e.Database_Name = s.Name )

    When I attempt to copy this procedure to the common instance (to back it up as well), it fails because we do not have a linked server to the common instance on the common instance. I know what the problem is, I just don't know if SQL has an elegant way to handle this. I tried to do an IF block based on the SERVERPROPERTIES('InstanceName') , and have two versions of the procedure in the script file, but SQL did not like this:



    BUILD PROCEDURE usp_tmp_Backup_Logs

    {version without qualifying the instance name}


    BUILD PROCEDURE usp_tmp_Backup_Logs

    {version that qualifies the instance name}


    Does anyone have any ideas for me? Maybe 2005 introduces an elegant way to handle this. I would prefer not to maintain two versions of the script file, and definitely know that creating a linked server to common from the common instance itself will not fly.

    Any constructive ideas are appreciated, thanks.

  • Well... I guess I'm on my own with this one... Luckily, I did come up with a solution.. I simply added a script step to take the template and load it into a string variable. Then, depending on the instance name, either remove the linked server qualifier, or leave it as-is. I then write it back out to a 2nd file which I then execute to create the worker procedure.

    Once I complete the backup for each instance, I drop the worker procedure.

    Just thought someone might find this useful.

  • Another option (possibly) would be to use synonyms in each database. Part of your script would be a check for the synonym, and if it does not exist - create it. If you are running on your common system, omit the linked server reference when creating the synonym.

    Something like this:

    IF OBJECT_ID('yourschema.synonym') IS NOT NULL


    CREATE SYNONYM yourschema.synonym FOR linkedserver.database.dbo.object;


    You can add a check into the above for which server you are on - and, if that server is your common server create the synonyms without the reference to the linked server.

    In your procedure, reference the synonym instead.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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