Script to list all logins and permissions

  • For any fixed database roles(db_ddladmin), this script will not give you which objects they have access to because they are unchangeable. If you want to read up on fixed database roles and what they give access to follow this link (

    The role membership table does include fixed database role in its data so you can tell which users are members of the db_ddladmin role.

    To get the info you ask about in your example, you could just take the code I supplied and modify it to suit your needs.


    FROM servers a

    inner join databases b

    on = b.serverid

    inner join role_membership c

    on = c.serverid

    and b.databaseid = c.databaseid

    inner join object_permissions d

    on = d.serverid

    and b.databaseid = d.databaseid

    and c.role = d.GranteeName

    where d.class_desc = 'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE'

    and d.permission_name = 'EXECUTE'

    and d.state_desc = 'GRANT'

    and = <servername> --insert your servername

    and = <databasename> --insert your databasename

    and c. = <login> -- insert login

    and c.[role] = <rolename> --insert role

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  • Apologies for the delayed response Bob, thanks for your advice and script i will give it a go 🙂

  • Looks like you invested lots of time in writing up this great script.

    Thanks for sharing it...


  • Here is a script I wrote up a while back. It uses impersonation and the has_perms_by_name() function to test access permissions for a specific account against each database object. If needed, you can retrofit it to loop though every account in the database.


    Query what objects a user account has access to in the current database.




    declare @user varchar(8000);

    select @user = '<accountname>';


    Returns information about Windows or domain group membership.

    For example, it's useful to know if the account a member of

    the local BUILTIN\Administrators group.


    exec master..xp_logininfo @user;

    /* Impersonate the user, so the has_perms_by_name() function

    can test their various levels of access to database objects. */

    execute as user = @user;


    select SYSTEM_USER sys_user_name, *




    SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) as schema_name,

    type_desc as obj_type,

    name as obj_name,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'ANY') AS has_any,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'VIEW DEFINITION') AS can_view_definition,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'EXEC') AS can_exec,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'SELECT') AS can_select,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'INSERT') AS can_insert,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'UPDATE') AS can_update,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'DELETE') AS can_delete,

    has_perms_by_name(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name,'OBJECT', 'ALTER') AS can_alter

    from sys.objects

    where parent_object_id = 0

    ) x

    order by has_any desc, can_exec desc, can_alter desc, can_delete desc, can_update desc, can_insert desc, can_select desc, can_view_definition desc;




    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • I am trying to run the script on my desktop system which has SQL Server 2008 R2 express edition. I added the server name to "Servers" table but when I ran the code for "load server info", I got an error that says "Server is not configured for Data Access.

  • Here is another little script you could take a look at.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Thanks Guys, Its a real time saver

  • Here is another script to compliment the scripting of logins and permissions; it will tell you what domain accounts have sysadmin access.

    Query accounts, domain groups, and members who have admin membership.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • And yet, another one....

    Here is a link to one that I wrote to do an Instance Audit. It shows all users and roles assigned by database, and their individual permissions. Change the variable (@outputtype) and it prints out the assignment statements for the permissions.

    Hope it helps.

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