Script to kill connections that are issuing a Particular SQL Statement

  • Does anyone have a script which kills all connections to a database where a certain sql statement is being issued. i.e. if SELECT * FROM Table1 where a= 1 exists then kill this connection?

    We are having a problem with a third party app and need something like this while the supplier sorts out the issue.

  • dbcc inputbuffer(sp id goes here)

    That will tell you the active or last statement. You can also use sp_who2 to see if it's terminated.

    Then use the Kill (spid) command to terminate it.

    No need to mention that you can gravely aggravate the users (if it's not the case already) by doing this. Not to mention that you can kill usefull transactions if not carefull.

  • Thanks for the prompt help. This is what I am doing at the moment.

    Unforunately this application is creating a number of connections and then not closing them. I am then having to manually close them as you describe. However this is very timeconsuming as there can often be over 60 plus connections with the same SQL statement.

    Hence I am looking for a script that Kills all the connections that are issuing a particular statement.

    As I said before the issue is with the supplier, but as yet i have no definite timescale.

  • you could think about maybe denying select to that user on that table?

  • Thx for your reply. I could do but that will stop the application working which is not the intent of what I am trying to achieve. I am effectively attempting to "Clear up" after the application has run, until the application is able to do this.

  • Hi

    You can use this script.


    DECLARE @handle VARBINARY(64), @connection_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @session_id INT

    DECLARE @maxCnt INT, @cnt INT

    CREATE TABLE #tmp(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), session_id INT, connection_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, handle VARBINARY(64))

    INSERT INTO #tmp(session_id, connection_id, handle)

    SELECT session_id, connection_id, most_recent_sql_handle FROM sys.dm_exec_connections

    SET @maxCnt= @@IDENTITY

    SET @cnt = 1

    WHILE (@cnt <= @maxCnt)


    SELECT @handle = handle, @connection_id = connection_id, @session_id = session_id FROM #tmp WHERE id = @cnt

    SELECT @session_id, @connection_id, text FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@handle)

    SET @cnt = @cnt + 1





  • if your application specifies it's name when connects to the database server following script may work for you

    select program_name,count (*)

    from sys.sysprocesses

    group by program_name

    order by count (*)desc

    declare @spid smallint

    declare appConnections insensitive cursor

    for select spid

    from sys.sysprocesses

    where program_name='program_name'

    open appConnections

    fetch next from appConnections into @spid

    while @@fetch_status=0


    print @spid

    exec ('kill '+@spid)

    fetch next from appConnections into @spid


    close appConnections

    deallocate appConnections

  • Max Yasnytskyy (1/5/2009)

    if your application specifies it's name when connects to the database server following script may work for you

    select program_name,count (*)

    from sys.sysprocesses

    group by program_name

    order by count (*)desc

    declare @spid smallint

    declare appConnections insensitive cursor

    for select spid

    from sys.sysprocesses

    where program_name='program_name'

    open appConnections

    fetch next from appConnections into @spid

    while @@fetch_status=0


    print @spid

    exec ('kill '+@spid)

    fetch next from appConnections into @spid


    close appConnections

    deallocate appConnections

    alternatively you can use nt_username or loginname instead of program_name in your cursor, something which will uniquely identify

    that application.

  • Back to the basics... why is this causing you a problem? Are you having blocking issues, running out of ram?

    If you just have many sleeping connections and no other side effects, I wouldn't worry to much about it. I'd maybe make a daily job that cleans this up if I get 1000s of sleeping connections, but that's about it.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us The SQL server instance effectively stops accepting connections to the Server. This is resolved by a stop and restart of the server.

    I created a job which monitors the processes running on the server. This shows that on the ocassions this has occurred, the server was at it highest point in terms of total number of connections. One application in particular had 80+ connections that where open all with the same SQL statement.

    This may seem like a stupid question, but any connections that are definied as "sleeping" have finished the execution of there SQL. (I have seen this term in SP_WHO but never understood the eact definition)

  • That sounds about right (I'm just no expert there), but sleeping seems like "done doing my batch" to me.

    I see what you are going through. But on the other hand, if the server crashes with only 80 connections on it, you seem to have more serious issues on your hands, like an extreme lack of ram. Maybe you should do a complete check of the server's specs and see if it can perform as required.

    Or you may have a memory leak. Make sure you have all the latest serviec packs installed if it's not the case already.

    PLS. test on another server b4 installing on PROD!

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