Script to Change Standard SQL Account Passwords

  • We are now required to change standard sql account passwords every 45 days.

    Does anyone know if a script or dts package exists that will change all of the standard sql account passwords to a randomly generated password and collect the new passwords for the DBAs so they can be disseminated to the clients?

  • One way to do this is to get all the SQL Server Logins and create a T-SQL Script that uses the sp_password on each Login to change the password using an alogorithm!

    As for automating it to happen every 45 days, you can put this into a DTS Package. What you have to keep in mind is that how do you document what the new password is and how do you let the users know the ne password?

    Have you checked out any possible 3rd party products for this? I do not know of any yet.

    Kindest Regards,

  • also you can put it on a job

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Perhaps saomething like:

    /* Ckange every users password to random number */

    /* (c) Karl Klingler 26.03.2004 */

    -- Hier muss die richtige Datenbank angewählt werden!!!

    use master

    -- Variablen deklarieren

    declare @seed smallint;

    declare @pwd sysname;

    declare @pwd1 sysname;

    declare @DBN sysname;

    declare @lname sysname;

    DECLARE @rc int;

    -- Cursor für die User deklarieren

    declare users_cur cursor

    for select [name] from [sysxlogins]

    -- und los geht's

    OPEN users_cur

    FETCH NEXT FROM users_cur

    INTO @lname


    -- Login anlegen

    select @rc=0

    select @pwd1=str(rand(datename(ms,getdate()))*1000000000);

    select @pwd=substring(@pwd1,4,len(@pwd1));

    exec @rc = sp_password NULL, @pwd, @lname;

    if @rc = 0

    PRINT 'PW for User ''' + @lname + ''' is: "'+@pwd+'".'


    PRINT 'PW for User ''' + @lname + ''' could not be changed.'

    WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:00.01'

    FETCH NEXT FROM users_cur

    INTO @lname


    CLOSE users_cur

    DEALLOCATE users_cur


    Best regards

  • Thank you so very much.  This will work wonderfully.


  • I just submitted a VBScript to the Scripts Library which will do this as well.  It is titled, Generate Strong Passwords for Standard SQL Logins, and should be available as soon as it passes the review process.




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