Script running forever.....Help

  • I have created a function.  When I Exec it runs forever (over 48 hours, then I stopped it).  If I hard code an accountno it updates in 3 seconds.  I have over 300,000 records in the db.  I know I have missed something easy, but I don't know what.  Please help.

    to exec I do.....

    updated contact2

    set udefcon = dbo.calc_score(contact2.accountno)

    from contact2

    The function it calls is

    CREATE FUNCTION calc_score (@acctnumber varchar(20))

       Returns numeric



    DECLARE @totalscore numeric(4)

    SELECT @totalscore =


         WHEN key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR') THEN 100 --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25   -- add points for uactequiv value

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 24 and 26 THEN 100

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 27 and 30 THEN 125

         WHEN uactequiv >=31 THEN 150

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN userdef02 IS NOT NULL or userdef03 is NOT NULL THEN 50  -- Add 50 points if userdef02 not null

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN uconflg = 'Y' or UVSARRIVDT > ' ' THEN 150 --Add 150 points if uconflg has a Y in the field

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN uacurank = '1' THEN 50 --Add 50 points if UACURANK has a 1 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '2' THEN 30 --Add 30 points if UACURANK has a 2 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '3' THEN 20 --Add 20 points if UACURANK has a 3 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uleadcamp = 'Y' THEN 100 --Add 100 points if uleadcamp equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         when uacadarea1 IN ('BUS', 'BID', 'JOU', 'PSY', 'MED', 'DEN') OR

         umajor IN ('ACCT', 'FIN', 'MKTG', 'MGMT', 'BIBL', 'BIBM', 'BIBY', 'BIVM', 'BMCF', 'BMIS', 'BYFM', 'IMC', 'JELM', 'JOUR', 'PSYC') OR

         department IN ('PRDE', 'PRME') THEN 50

         ELSE 0

    END +


        when upsupport = 'Y' THEN 50 --add 50 points if upsupport is marked Y

        ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ubot >' ' or ugoldlist > ' ' or ufacstaff > ' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ubot has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ualumni = 'Y' THEN 50  --add 50 points if ualumni has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN usibling = 'Y' THEN 100  --add 100 points if usibling has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uchurchact IN('A', 'B') THEN 50 --add 50 points if uchurchact has an A or B in the field

         ELSE 0



      contact2, contact1

       WHERE  contact2.accountno = contact2.accountno

              and contact2.accountno = @acctnumber



  • Use of a UDF in the SET portion of an Update is highly inefficient. It becomes almost like a cursor-based operation, because the function and the joins within it get re-evaluated for each of your 300K rows.

    You'll get performance several orders of magnitude better if you can re-code it as a set-based Update operation without a UDF.


  • Example:



        SET udefcon =


            WHEN key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR')

            THEN 100 --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19

            THEN 25 -- add points for uactequiv value

            WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21

            THEN 50

            WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23

            THEN 75

            WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 24 AND 26

            THEN 100

            WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 27 AND 30

            THEN 125

            WHEN uactequiv >=31

            THEN 150

            ELSE 0




            WHEN userdef02 IS NOT NULL

            OR userdef03 is NOT NULL

            THEN 50 -- Add 50 points if userdef02 not null

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uconflg = 'Y'

            OR UVSARRIVDT > ' '

            THEN 150 --Add 150 points if uconflg has a Y in the field

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uacurank = '1'

            THEN 50 --Add 50 points if UACURANK has a 1 in the field

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uacurank = '2'

            THEN 30 --Add 30 points if UACURANK has a 2 in the field

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uacurank = '3'

            THEN 20 --Add 20 points if UACURANK has a 3 in the field

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uleadcamp = 'Y'

            THEN 100 --Add 100 points if uleadcamp equals Y

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uacadarea1 IN ('BUS', 'BID', 'JOU', 'PSY', 'MED', 'DEN')

            OR umajor IN ('ACCT', 'FIN', 'MKTG', 'MGMT', 'BIBL', 'BIBM', 'BIBY', 'BIVM', 'BMCF', 'BMIS', 'BYFM', 'IMC', 'JELM', 'JOUR', 'PSYC')

            OR department IN ('PRDE', 'PRME')

            THEN 50

            ELSE 0




            WHEN upsupport = 'Y'

            THEN 50 --add 50 points if upsupport is marked Y

            ELSE 0




            WHEN ubot >' '

            OR ugoldlist > ' '

            OR ufacstaff > ' '

            THEN 100 --add 100 points if ubot has a VALUE in the field

            ELSE 0




            WHEN ualumni = 'Y'

            THEN 50 --add 50 points if ualumni has a VALUE that equals Y

            ELSE 0




            WHEN usibling = 'Y'

            THEN 100 --add 100 points if usibling has a VALUE that equals Y

            ELSE 0




            WHEN uchurchact IN('A', 'B')

            THEN 50 --add 50 points if uchurchact has an A or B in the field

            ELSE 0


    FROM contact2,


    WHERE contact2.accountno = contact1.accountno

        AND contact2.accountno = @acctnumber


  • Assuming you have 300 000 records in each table


    contact2, contact1

    WHERE contact2.accountno = contact2.accountno

    and contact2.accountno = @acctnumber

    this will cause sql server to make a cross join of 90 000 000 000 records (every time you call the function) before filtering with the where condition.

    I would try this :


    contact2 inner join contact1

    on contact2.accountno = contact1.accountno

    and contact2.accountno = @acctnumber

    also I assume that contact2.accountno = contact2.accountno is a typo because this won't filter anything (Should be contact1.accountno)

    I would also consider using this join to give the query optmizer to pick out the best index :


    contact2 inner join contact1

    on contact2.accountno = contact1.accountno

    and contact2.accountno = @acctnumber

    and contact1.accountno = @acctnumber

    This brings me to my last point... make sure that contact2.accountno and contact1.accountno are indexed

    One final thing that would immensly improve performance would be to convert the udf to a derived table and join to that table so instead of 300 000 queries you get only 2.

  • As PW advised, having table access in UDF will be extremely slow. Recommend that all table access be outside of the UDF and use the columns as parameters to the UDF.

    Here is a simplied example:

    CREATE FUNCTION calc_score

    (@key1 varchar(20)

    , @uactequiv integer)

    Returns numeric



    DECLARE @totalscore numeric(4)

    set @totalscore = 0

    --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +

    CASE WHEN @key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR') THEN 100 ELSE 0 END

    -- add points for uactequiv value

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +

    CASE WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25

    WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50

    WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

    When uactequiv BETWEEN 24 and 26 THEN 100

    When uactequiv BETWEEN 27 and 30 THEN 125

    WHEN uactequiv >=31 THEN 150

    ELSE 0 END

    return @totalscore



    Update contact2

    set udefcon = dbo.calc_score(key1 , uactequiv -- more parameters as needed)

    from contact2

    join contact1

    on contact1.accountno = contact2.accountno


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • OMG, It worked with a few modifications........I have worked for weeks on this trying to figure this out.  Yall are AWESOME and I appreciate you very much.

  • Could you post the final script so that people that come across the same problem can see the working solution?

  • First I created this function:

    CREATE FUNCTION calc_score (@acctnumber varchar(20))

       Returns numeric



    DECLARE @totalscore numeric(4)

    SELECT @totalscore =


         WHEN key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR') THEN 100 --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25   -- add points for uactequiv value

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 24 and 26 THEN 100

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 27 and 30 THEN 125

         WHEN uactequiv >=31 THEN 150

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN userdef02 IS NOT NULL or userdef03 is NOT NULL THEN 50  -- Add 50 points if userdef02 not null

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN uconflg = 'Y' or UVSARRIVDT > ' ' THEN 150 --Add 150 points if uconflg has a Y in the field

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN uacurank = '1' THEN 50 --Add 50 points if UACURANK has a 1 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '2' THEN 30 --Add 30 points if UACURANK has a 2 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '3' THEN 20 --Add 20 points if UACURANK has a 3 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uleadcamp = 'Y' THEN 100 --Add 100 points if uleadcamp equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         when uacadarea1 IN ('BUS', 'BID', 'JOU', 'PSY', 'MED', 'DEN') OR

         umajor IN ('ACCT', 'FIN', 'MKTG', 'MGMT', 'BIBL', 'BIBM', 'BIBY', 'BIVM', 'BMCF', 'BMIS', 'BYFM', 'IMC', 'JELM', 'JOUR', 'PSYC') OR

         department IN ('PRDE', 'PRME') THEN 50

         ELSE 0

    END +


        when upsupport = 'Y' THEN 50 --add 50 points if upsupport is marked Y

        ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ubot >' ' or ugoldlist > ' ' or ufacstaff > ' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ubot has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ualumni = 'Y' THEN 50  --add 50 points if ualumni has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN usibling = 'Y' THEN 100  --add 100 points if usibling has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uchurchact IN('A', 'B') THEN 50 --add 50 points if uchurchact has an A or B in the field

         ELSE 0



      contact2 inner join contact1

    on contact2.accountno = contact1.accountno

    and contact2.accountno = @acctnumber

    and contact1.accountno = @acctnumber



    To exec:

    update contact2

    set udefcon = dbo.calc_score(contact2.accountno)

    from contact2

    join contact1

    on contact1.accountno = contact2.accountno


    And...finished in under 2 minutes....

    The SQLSERVERCENTRAL knowledge is unbelieveable.  I am greatly appreciative.

  • Well, congrats on getting it working, but the final solution is not optimal and will seriously degrade performance as your table gets larger.

    As suggested above, you should keep your tables outside the function and pass in the column values needed to generate the score outcome.

    Think about portability & reusability - what happens if you want to replicate this scoring process on different tables ? Now you'd need a 2nd function because the tables are explicitly referenced in the UDF - if you pass values into the UDF, instead of a key for the UDF to lookup the same values, you have much better performance and reusability.


    CREATE FUNCTION calc_score (@Key1, @uactequiv, @userdef02 ... <other columns needed&gt

       Returns numeric


  • Remi;

    >...this will cause sql server to make a cross join of 90 000 000 000 records ...

    That is not quite correct.  Assuming (as you did) that Shelly had the type in "contact2.accountno = contact2.accountno".  specifying the join in the where clause is acceptable and (usually) works just like the JOIN clause syntax.  Specifying joins using the where clause was the SQL standard before JOIN clause was introduced in ANSI SQL-92, and SQL Server 7 and 2000 recognize and handle both syntaxes.

    That being said, I would not be surprised if Shelly's problem was with the where clause where we assumed a typo.  The query as she indicated would indeed make the cross join you describe, since the where clause would then not have anything with to relate the two tables.  Her comment "If I hard code an accountno.." would reduce the cross join from 90,000,000 rows to 300,000 (with 1 row in contact2 being updated), assuming both contact1 and contact2 had 300k rows.  So I would not be surprised if that was the original problem.

    But that show why I said "(usually)" in the first paragraph.  Having the JOIN syntax separates table join relations from filter criteria, and helps to debug errors.  It would have been easier to see the cross-join with the JOIN syntax, and her implementing probably resolved the problem.  So I do consider it "better practice" to use JOIN syntax, although both will work.


  • Ok, the script was modified once again and the time is 14 seconds.  AMAZING.  Here is what I did in case this helps anyone else out.

    Created Function

    CREATE FUNCTION calc_score

    (@key1 varchar(20),

     @uactequiv smallint,

     @userdef02 varchar(20),

     @userdef03 varchar(20),

     @uconflg   varchar(10),

     @uvsarrivdt datetime,

     @uacurank  varchar(10),

     @uleadcamp varchar(10),

     @uacadarea1 varchar(10),

     @umajor    varchar(3),

     @department varchar(35),

     @upsupport  varchar(10),

     @ubot     varchar(15),

     @ugoldlist  varchar(10),

     @ufacstaff  varchar(10),

     @ualumni    varchar(10),

     @usibling   varchar(10),

     @uchurchact varchar(10)


       Returns numeric



    DECLARE @totalscore numeric(4)

    SET @totalscore = 0

    --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR') THEN 100

         ELSE 0


    -- add points for uactequiv value

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore + 


         WHEN @uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25  

         WHEN @uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50

         WHEN @uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

         When @uactequiv BETWEEN 24 and 26 THEN 100

         When @uactequiv BETWEEN 27 and 30 THEN 125

         WHEN @uactequiv >=31 THEN 150

         ELSE 0


     -- Add 50 points if userdef02 not null

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @userdef02 IS NOT NULL OR @userdef03 is NOT NULL THEN 50

         ELSE 0


    --Add 150 points if uconflg has a Y in the field

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @uconflg = 'Y' OR @uvsarrivdt > ' ' THEN 150

         ELSE 0


    --Add points for UACURANK

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @uacurank = '1' THEN 50 --Add 50 points if UACURANK has a 1 in the field

         WHEN @uacurank = '2' THEN 30 --Add 30 points if UACURANK has a 2 in the field

         WHEN @uacurank = '3' THEN 20 --Add 20 points if UACURANK has a 3 in the field

         ELSE 0


    --Add 100 points if uleadcamp equals Y

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @uleadcamp = 'Y' THEN 100

         ELSE 0


    --Add points for academics

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         when @uacadarea1 IN ('BUS', 'BID', 'JOU', 'PSY', 'MED', 'DEN') OR

         @umajor IN ('ACCT', 'FIN', 'MKTG', 'MGMT', 'BIBL', 'BIBM', 'BIBY', 'BIVM', 'BMCF', 'BMIS', 'BYFM', 'IMC', 'JELM', 'JOUR', 'PSYC') OR

         @department IN ('PRDE', 'PRME') THEN 50

         ELSE 0



    --add 50 points if upsupport is marked Y

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


        when @upsupport = 'Y' THEN 50

        ELSE 0


    --add 100 points if ubot has a VALUE in the field

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @ubot >' ' OR @ugoldlist > ' ' OR @ufacstaff > ' ' THEN 100 

         ELSE 0



    --add 50 points if ualumni has a VALUE that equals Y

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @ualumni = 'Y' THEN 50 

         ELSE 0


    --add 100 points if usibling has a VALUE that equals Y

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore +


         WHEN @usibling = 'Y' THEN 100 

         ELSE 0



    --add 50 points if uchurchact has an A or B in the field

    SET @totalscore = @totalscore + 


         WHEN @uchurchact IN('A', 'B') THEN 50

         ELSE 0





    Then I ran the update stmt that calls the function--

    completes in 14 seconds.  WOW

    update contact2

    set udefcon = dbo.calc_score




















    from contact2

    join contact1

    on contact1.accountno = contact2.accountno


    --now select top 1000 scores

    select unamefull, udefcon

    from contact2

    where udefcon > 0

    order by udefcon desc


  • Sounds more like it... From incomplete after 2 days to 14 secs... how many folds are we talking about here??

  • <>

    BTW the update would have taken about 10.5 days to complete (assuming nothing major would have slowed it down further like a huge transaction log growth).

    I was wondering if you could do another test for us :

    Could you rerun the update but using the function's code directly in the update statement. I'm wondering how much of an overhead this is causing sql server to call the same function 300 k times (14 sec) vs not calling it (?? sec).

    This has already proven that functions run a little like cursor if you make a select in them and that you can greatly improve performance by doing the select outside the function and simply doing maths in it. But I'd like to know how much faster, if any, it would be to not call it at all and doing everything in the update statement.

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