January 11, 2009 at 8:31 am
We have few post install checks to be done as a standard(SQL 2005). It includes setting up of maintenance plans, turning on xp_cmdshell,few logins addition, setting up maxservermemory etc.
So can anyone please help me in writing the script which will do the following:
The script should check:
1. The existence of maintenance plans( This i can get from sysjobs)
2. The max server memeory option set to max value.
3. should list out the logins.
Can anyone please help me in this script. Waiting for a soon reply..i need it immediately.
Madhuri 🙂
January 11, 2009 at 8:58 am
Look up SQLCMD, you can call this from the OS and use SQL within that to check all the values that you want.
Or you could just create a TSQL script that you run from SSMS to get the values.
You could even create a VBScript that you launch, which queries those things and checks to see if the values are correct and then, if not, will allow you to set them.
sp_configure has most of what you are looking for.
January 11, 2009 at 9:52 am
Thanks Nicolas for the reply.
I understand that i can get a lot from sysconfigurations but can you please help me giving me the script about how to perform all the actions. I am not very good at scripting so it would be great if you could give me a script to do the things i want.
January 11, 2009 at 10:09 am
Start simple. Work on what you need to do to check the values in sp_configure. Once you know what those values are work on changing them to what values you'd like them to be. Check out sp_configure in books online. I'd take that as the first step.
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