Script logins

  • Hi

    When you script a login using SSMS the script generated always has "* For security reasons the login is created disabled and with a random password. */"

    How do you script a login so when you create it you have the password and it is not disabled?

  • You cannot retrieve the password in clear text from SQL Server once it has been set in case that is what you are asking.

    To get a 'create login' statement that you can copy and paste to run on another instance for purposes of creating that same exact login somewhere else, what you can do is write a query against the system views and construct the 'create login' statement from the various columns in the view. You'll want to consider if you want to take the SID or not. Doing it this way is not as convenient as using SSMS but it may give you the output you need.

    Something like this:

    SELECT 'CREATE LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) + ' HASHED, ' + 'SID = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(sid)

    + ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + default_database_name + ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + default_language_name + ', CHECK_EXPIRATION = '

    + CASE is_expiration_checked


    ELSE 'ON'

    END + ', CHECK_POLICY = ' + CASE is_policy_checked


    ELSE 'ON'

    END + ';' AS create_statement

    FROM sys.sql_logins

    WHERE name NOT LIKE '##%'

    AND name <> 'sa'


    SELECT 'CREATE LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ' FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + default_database_name + ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + default_language_name

    + ';'

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE type IN ( 'U', 'G' )

    AND name NOT LIKE 'NT%\%'

    ORDER BY create_statement;

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • There's a script available from Microsoft to assist in generating a file that you can use to recreate the logins and same passwords on a different instance. I've used it before and it works well:

  • I use a PowerShell script that compares logins on two instances and generates a script to run on the second to bring it in line with the first.

    To run it from a PowerShell session: .\ScriptLoginDiffs.ps1 FIRSTINSTANCE SECONDINSTANCE | tee logins.sql

    Then open logins.sql in SECONDINSTANCE, delete any logins you definitely don't want and then run it. It creates new logins, adds to server roles, creates database users and adds to database roles, modifies SIDs and passwords if different.

    Only tested in my current environment, so let me know if you find any bugs.

    param ([string]$Principal, [string]$Mirror)

    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    $ps = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $Principal

    $ms = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $Mirror

    if (-not $ps.Databases.Count)


    "Could not connect to $Principal"



    if (-not $ms.Databases.Count)


    "Could not connect to $Mirror"




    "-- The following script should be run on $Mirror."


    foreach ($login in $ps.Logins)


    if ("sa", "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM", "BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS" -contains $login.Name)




    if ($login.Name -match '##')




    $psid = ""

    if ("WindowsGroup", "WindowsUser" -notcontains $login.LoginType)


    $login.Sid | % {$psid += ("{0:X}" -f $_).PadLeft(2, "0")}

    [byte[]] $phash = $ps.Databases["master"].ExecuteWithResults("select hash=cast(loginproperty('$($login.Name)', 'PasswordHash') as varbinary(256))").Tables[0].Rows[0].Hash

    $ppwd = ""

    $phash | % {$ppwd += ("{0:X}" -f $_).PadLeft(2, "0")}


    $defaultDatabase = "master"

    $ms.Databases[$login.DefaultDatabase] | ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal"} | % {$defaultDatabase = $_.Name}

    $dropped = $false

    if ($ms.Logins[$login.Name])


    if ("WindowsGroup", "WindowsUser" -notcontains $login.LoginType)


    $msid = ""

    $ms.Logins[$login.Name].Sid | % {$msid += ("{0:X}" -f $_).PadLeft(2, "0")}

    if ($psid -ne $msid)


    "drop login [$($login.Name)];"

    $dropped = $true


    [byte[]] $mhash = $ms.Databases["master"].ExecuteWithResults("select hash=cast(loginproperty('$($login.Name)', 'PasswordHash') as varbinary(256))").Tables[0].Rows[0].Hash

    $mpwd = ""

    $mhash | % {$mpwd += ("{0:X}" -f $_).PadLeft(2, "0")}

    if (-not $dropped -and $ppwd -ne $mpwd)


    "alter login [$($login.Name)] with password = 0x$ppwd hashed;"



    if (-not $dropped -and $ms.Logins[$login.Name].DefaultDatabase -ne $defaultDatabase)


    "alter login [$($login.Name)] with default_database = [$defaultDatabase];"



    if (-not $ms.Logins[$login.Name] -or $dropped)


    if ("WindowsGroup", "WindowsUser" -contains $login.LoginType)


    "create login [$($login.Name)] from windows with default_database = [$defaultDatabase];"




    if ($login.PasswordExpirationEnabled)


    $checkExpiration = "on"




    $checkExpiration = "off"


    if ($login.PasswordPolicyEnforced)


    $checkPolicy = "on"




    $checkPolicy = "off"


    "create login [$($login.Name)] with password = 0x$ppwd hashed, sid = 0x$psid, default_database = [$defaultDatabase], check_policy = $checkPolicy, check_expiration = $checkExpiration;"

    if ($login.DenyWindowsLogin)


    "deny connect sql to [$($login.Name)];"


    if (-not $login.HasAccess)


    "revoke connect sql to [$($login.Name)];"


    if ($login.IsDisabled)


    "alter login [$($login.Name)] disable;"




    foreach ($role in $ps.Roles | ? {$_.Name -ne "public"})


    $addRole = $false

    if (-not $ms.Logins[$login.Name])


    $addRole = $login.IsMember($role.Name)


    elseif ($dropped -or -not $ms.Logins[$login.Name].IsMember($role.Name))


    $addRole = $login.IsMember($role.Name)


    if ($addRole)


    "exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'$($login.Name)', @rolename = N'$($role.Name)';"



    $permsql = @"

    select per.state_desc collate database_default + ' ' + per.permission_name collate database_default + ' TO [' + collate database_default + '];' perm_text

    from sys.server_permissions per

    join sys.server_principals pri on per.grantee_principal_id = pri.principal_id

    where class_desc = 'SERVER'

    and collate database_default = '$($login.Name)'


    $psperms = $ps.Databases["master"].ExecuteWithResults($permsql).Tables[0].Rows

    $msperms = $ms.Databases["master"].ExecuteWithResults($permsql).Tables[0].Rows

    $mspermcol = @()

    foreach ($msp in $msperms)


    $mspermcol += $msp.perm_text


    foreach ($psp in $psperms)


    $addPerm = $false

    if (-not $ms.Logins[$login.Name])


    $addRole = $true


    elseif ($dropped -or $mspermcol -notcontains $psp.perm_text)


    $addRole = $true


    if ($addRole -and $psp.perm_text -notmatch "GRANT CONNECT SQL")





    foreach ($db in $ms.Databases | ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal"})


    $user = $null

    $user = $db.Users | ? {$_.Login -eq $login.Name}

    if ($user)


    if ($psid -ne "")


    $usid = ""

    $user.Sid | % {$usid += ("{0:X}" -f $_).PadLeft(2, "0")}

    if ($usid -ne $psid)


    "use $($db.Name); alter user [$($user.Name)] with login = [$($login.Name)];"






    #if in principal databases, but not on mirror, add user

    $principalUsers = $ps.Databases |

    ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal"} |

    % {$db = $_.Name; $_.Users | ? {$_.Login -ne ""} |

    Select @{n="Database";e={$db}}, Name, Login}

    $mirrorUsers = $ms.Databases |

    ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal"} |

    % {$db = $_.Name; $_.Users | ? {$_.Login -ne ""} |

    Select @{n="Database";e={$db}}, Name, Login}

    foreach ($user in $principalUsers)


    if (-not ($ms.Databases | ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal" -and $_.Name -eq $user.Database}))




    if ($ms.Databases[$user.Database].Users[$user.Name])




    if (-not $ps.Logins[$user.Login])




    "use [$($user.Database)]; create user [$($user.Name)] for login [$($user.Login)];"


    #if in principal databases, but not on mirror, add to roles

    $principalDbRoles = $ps.Databases |

    ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal"} |

    % {$db = $_.Name; $roles = $_.Roles; $roles |

    % {$role = $_.Name; $_.EnumMembers() | ? {-not $roles[$_]} |

    Select @{n="Database";e={$db}}, @{n="Role";e={$role}}, @{n="Member";e={$_}}}}

    $mirrorDbRoles = $ms.Databases |

    ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal"} |

    % {$db = $_.Name; $roles = $_.Roles; $roles |

    % {$role = $_.Name; $_.EnumMembers() | ? {-not $roles[$_]} |

    Select @{n="Database";e={$db}}, @{n="Role";e={$role}}, @{n="Member";e={$_}}}}

    $lookup = @{}

    $mirrorDbRoles | % {$lookup.$($_.Database + ":" + $_.Role + ":" + $_.Member) = 1}

    foreach ($dbRole in $principalDbRoles)


    if (-not $lookup.ContainsKey("$($dbRole.Database):$($dbRole.Role):$($dbRole.Member)"))


    if (-not ($ms.Databases | ? {$_.Status -eq "Normal" -and $_.Name -eq $dbRole.Database}))




    "use [$($dbRole.Database)]; exec sp_addrolemember N'$($dbRole.Role)', N'$($dbRole.Member)';"



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