script for finding the database size in sql 2000& 2005

  • i want to make the report of all the database size in sql 2000 and 2005 , can any one send me the script to find all the database size in sql 2000 &2005 servers .


  • What do you mean by database size? The size on disk? The data size? The data size + log used size?

    We are happy to help, but we also expect you to do a little work here. This is help, not us working for you. There are plenty of scripts on this site in the Scripts section dealing with sizes. Likely you can use one and you'd need to modify it to meet your needs.

  • Built in procedures may give you what you want sp_helpdb can be used with or without DBNAME

    exec sp_helpdb DBNAME


    exec sp_databases

    If you are looking at reports in SMS have a look at SQL Server 2005 Performance Dashboard Reports

  • Try this. Works good on both 2000 and 2005.

    set nocount on

    declare @name sysname

    declare @sql nvarchar(600)

    /* Use temporary table to sum up database size w/o using group by */

    create table #databases (


    size int NOT NULL)

    declare c1 cursor for

    select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where has_dbaccess(name) = 1 and name not in ('master','model','msdb','Northwind','pubs','tempdb')-- Only look at databases to which we have access

    open c1

    fetch c1 into @name

    while @@fetch_status >= 0


    select @sql = 'insert into #databases

    select N'''+ @name + ''', sum(size) from '

    + QuoteName(@name) + '.dbo.sysfiles'

    /* Insert row for each database */

    execute (@SQL)

    fetch c1 into @name


    deallocate c1



    [DATABASE_SIZE in MB] = size*8/1024 /* Convert from 8192 byte pages to K */

    from #databases

    --order by DATABASE_SIZE

    order by 2 desc

    SQL DBA.

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