Script Data of table

  • Hello,

    I am using SQL2K. I need to script a table along with the data present in it. Basically generate insert statement for all the rows in the table.

    Please Help



  • There are third-party tools that do it, but you might take a look at bcp. It's a command-line tool provided with SQL Server. Much faster than standard INSERTs.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thank You.

    But I actually want to create the insert statements for each row, since i want to migrate the data to mysql.

    Can u guide me which are the third party software available for it.


  • If you're moving to a MySQL database that's on-line, you can use the MySQL ODBC driver and then use DTS to migrate the data instead of relying on a 3rd party app. This is probably easier.


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Below is a free and excellent script written by Narayana Vyas Kondreddi who has a nice site full of useful SQL scripts and information To use it, execute

    EXEC sp_generate_inserts @table_name='Zone_Num', @from = "from Zone_Num where Zone_Num='400'"

    Read the help section in the comments for many other variables. Also, you need to set the Query Analyser/Options/Results from 256 to 8000 to avoid the resulting INSERTs from being truncated. His site features a nice Word document that has examples and explanation of its use.




    PRINT 'Using Master database'

    USE master


    PRINT 'Checking for the existence of this procedure'

    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('sp_generate_inserts','P')) IS NOT NULL --means, the procedure already exists


      PRINT 'Procedure already exists. So, dropping it'

      DROP PROC sp_generate_inserts



    --Turn system object marking on

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category 1


    CREATE PROC sp_generate_inserts


     @table_name varchar(776),    -- The table/view for which the INSERT statements will be generated using the existing data

     @target_table varchar(776) = NULL,  -- Use this parameter to specify a different table name into which the data will be inserted

     @include_column_list bit = 1,  -- Use this parameter to include/ommit column list in the generated INSERT statement

     @from varchar(800) = NULL,   -- Use this parameter to filter the rows based on a filter condition (using WHERE)

     @include_timestamp bit = 0,   -- Specify 1 for this parameter, if you want to include the TIMESTAMP/ROWVERSION column's data in the INSERT statement

     @debug_mode bit = 0,   -- If @debug_mode is set to 1, the SQL statements constructed by this procedure will be printed for later examination

     @owner varchar(64) = NULL,  -- Use this parameter if you are not the owner of the table

     @ommit_images bit = 0,   -- Use this parameter to generate INSERT statements by omitting the 'image' columns

     @ommit_identity bit = 0,  -- Use this parameter to ommit the identity columns

     @top int = NULL,   -- Use this parameter to generate INSERT statements only for the TOP n rows

     @cols_to_include varchar(8000) = NULL, -- List of columns to be included in the INSERT statement

     @cols_to_exclude varchar(8000) = NULL, -- List of columns to be excluded from the INSERT statement

     @disable_constraints bit = 0,  -- When 1, disables foreign key constraints and enables them after the INSERT statements

     @ommit_computed_cols bit = 0  -- When 1, computed columns will not be included in the INSERT statement






    Procedure: sp_generate_inserts  (Build 22)

      (Copyright © 2002 Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. All rights reserved.)


    Purpose: To generate INSERT statements from existing data.

      These INSERTS can be executed to regenerate the data at some other location.

      This procedure is also useful to create a database setup, where in you can

      script your data along with your table definitions.

    Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi



      Divya Kalra -- For beta testing

      Mark Charsley -- For reporting a problem with scripting uniqueidentifier columns with NULL values

      Artur Zeygman -- For helping me simplify a bit of code for handling non-dbo owned tables

      Joris Laperre   -- For reporting a regression bug in handling text/ntext columns

    Tested on:  SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000

    Date created: January 17th 2001 21:52 GMT

    Date modified: May 1st 2002 19:50 GMT


    NOTE:  This procedure may not work with tables with too many columns.

      Results can be unpredictable with huge text columns or SQL Server 2000's sql_variant data types

      Whenever possible, Use @include_column_list parameter to ommit column list in the INSERT statement, for better results

      IMPORTANT: This procedure is not tested with internation data (Extended characters or Unicode). If needed

      you might want to convert the datatypes of character variables in this procedure to their respective unicode counterparts

      like nchar and nvarchar


    Example 1: To generate INSERT statements for table 'titles':


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles'

    Example 2:  To ommit the column list in the INSERT statement: (Column list is included by default)

      IMPORTANT: If you have too many columns, you are advised to ommit column list, as shown below,

      to avoid erroneous results


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles', @include_column_list = 0

    Example 3: To generate INSERT statements for 'titlesCopy' table from 'titles' table:

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles', 'titlesCopy'

    Example 4: To generate INSERT statements for 'titles' table for only those titles

      which contain the word 'Computer' in them:

      NOTE: Do not complicate the FROM or WHERE clause here. It's assumed that you are good with T-SQL if you are using this parameter

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles', @from = "from titles where title like '%Computer%'"

    Example 5:  To specify that you want to include TIMESTAMP column's data as well in the INSERT statement:

      (By default TIMESTAMP column's data is not scripted)

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles', @include_timestamp = 1

    Example 6: To print the debug information:


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles', @debug_mode = 1

    Example 7:  If you are not the owner of the table, use @owner parameter to specify the owner name

      To use this option, you must have SELECT permissions on that table

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts Nickstable, @owner = 'Nick'

    Example 8:  To generate INSERT statements for the rest of the columns excluding images

      When using this otion, DO NOT set @include_column_list parameter to 0.

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts imgtable, @ommit_images = 1

    Example 9:  To generate INSERT statements excluding (ommiting) IDENTITY columns:

      (By default IDENTITY columns are included in the INSERT statement)

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts mytable, @ommit_identity = 1

    Example 10:  To generate INSERT statements for the TOP 10 rows in the table:


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts mytable, @top = 10

    Example 11:  To generate INSERT statements with only those columns you want:


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts titles, @cols_to_include = "'title','title_id','au_id'"

    Example 12:  To generate INSERT statements by omitting certain columns:


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts titles, @cols_to_exclude = "'title','title_id','au_id'"

    Example 13: To avoid checking the foreign key constraints while loading data with INSERT statements:


      EXEC sp_generate_inserts titles, @disable_constraints = 1

    Example 14:  To exclude computed columns from the INSERT statement:

      EXEC sp_generate_inserts MyTable, @ommit_computed_cols = 1



    --Making sure user only uses either @cols_to_include or @cols_to_exclude

    IF ((@cols_to_include IS NOT NULL) AND (@cols_to_exclude IS NOT NULL))


      RAISERROR('Use either @cols_to_include or @cols_to_exclude. Do not use both the parameters at once',16,1)

      RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: Both @cols_to_include and @cols_to_exclude parameters are specified


    --Making sure the @cols_to_include and @cols_to_exclude parameters are receiving values in proper format

    IF ((@cols_to_include IS NOT NULL) AND (PATINDEX('''%''',@cols_to_include) = 0))


      RAISERROR('Invalid use of @cols_to_include property',16,1)

      PRINT 'Specify column names surrounded by single quotes and separated by commas'

      PRINT 'Eg: EXEC sp_generate_inserts titles, @cols_to_include = "''title_id'',''title''"'

      RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: Invalid use of @cols_to_include property


    IF ((@cols_to_exclude IS NOT NULL) AND (PATINDEX('''%''',@cols_to_exclude) = 0))


      RAISERROR('Invalid use of @cols_to_exclude property',16,1)

      PRINT 'Specify column names surrounded by single quotes and separated by commas'

      PRINT 'Eg: EXEC sp_generate_inserts titles, @cols_to_exclude = "''title_id'',''title''"'

      RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: Invalid use of @cols_to_exclude property


    --Checking to see if the database name is specified along wih the table name

    --Your database context should be local to the table for which you want to generate INSERT statements

    --specifying the database name is not allowed

    IF (PARSENAME(@table_name,3)) IS NOT NULL


      RAISERROR('Do not specify the database name. Be in the required database and just specify the table name.',16,1)

      RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: Database name is specified along with the table name, which is not allowed


    --Checking for the existence of 'user table' or 'view'

    --This procedure is not written to work on system tables

    --To script the data in system tables, just create a view on the system tables and script the view instead

    IF @owner IS NULL


      IF ((OBJECT_ID(@table_name,'U') IS NULL) AND (OBJECT_ID(@table_name,'V') IS NULL))


        RAISERROR('User table or view not found.',16,1)

        PRINT 'You may see this error, if you are not the owner of this table or view. In that case use @owner parameter to specify the owner name.'

        PRINT 'Make sure you have SELECT permission on that table or view.'

        RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: There is no user table or view with this name







        RAISERROR('User table or view not found.',16,1)

        PRINT 'You may see this error, if you are not the owner of this table. In that case use @owner parameter to specify the owner name.'

        PRINT 'Make sure you have SELECT permission on that table or view.'

        RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: There is no user table or view with this name  



    --Variable declarations

    DECLARE  @Column_ID int,   

      @Column_List varchar(8000),

      @Column_Name varchar(128),

      @Start_Insert varchar(786),

      @Data_Type varchar(128),

      @Actual_Values varchar(8000), --This is the string that will be finally executed to generate INSERT statements

      @IDN varchar(128)  --Will contain the IDENTITY column's name in the table

    --Variable Initialization

    SET @IDN = ''

    SET @Column_ID = 0

    SET @Column_Name = ''

    SET @Column_List = ''

    SET @Actual_Values = ''

    IF @owner IS NULL


      SET @Start_Insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + '[' + RTRIM(COALESCE(@target_table,@table_name)) + ']'




      SET @Start_Insert = 'INSERT ' + '[' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@owner)) + '].' + '[' + RTRIM(COALESCE(@target_table,@table_name)) + ']'   


    --To get the first column's ID



    WHERE  TABLE_NAME = @table_name AND

    (@owner IS NULL OR TABLE_SCHEMA = @owner)


    --Loop through all the columns of the table, to get the column names and their data types




      @Data_Type = DATA_TYPE



      TABLE_NAME = @table_name AND

      (@owner IS NULL OR TABLE_SCHEMA = @owner)


      IF @cols_to_include IS NOT NULL --Selecting only user specified columns


       IF CHARINDEX( '''' + SUBSTRING(@Column_Name,2,LEN(@Column_Name)-2) + '''',@cols_to_include) = 0





      IF @cols_to_exclude IS NOT NULL --Selecting only user specified columns


       IF CHARINDEX( '''' + SUBSTRING(@Column_Name,2,LEN(@Column_Name)-2) + '''',@cols_to_exclude) <> 0





      --Making sure to output SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF in case the table has an IDENTITY column

      IF (SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@owner,USER_NAME())) + '.' + @table_name),SUBSTRING(@Column_Name,2,LEN(@Column_Name) - 2),'IsIdentity')) = 1


       IF @ommit_identity = 0 --Determing whether to include or exclude the IDENTITY column

        SET @IDN = @Column_Name


        GOTO SKIP_LOOP   



      --Making sure whether to output computed columns or not

      IF @ommit_computed_cols = 1


       IF (SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@owner,USER_NAME())) + '.' + @table_name),SUBSTRING(@Column_Name,2,LEN(@Column_Name) - 2),'IsComputed')) = 1


        GOTO SKIP_LOOP     




      --Tables with columns of IMAGE data type are not supported for obvious reasons

      IF(@Data_Type in ('image'))


        IF (@ommit_images = 0)


          RAISERROR('Tables with image columns are not supported.',16,1)

          PRINT 'Use @ommit_images = 1 parameter to generate INSERTs for the rest of the columns.'

          PRINT 'DO NOT ommit Column List in the INSERT statements. If you ommit column list using @include_column_list=0, the generated INSERTs will fail.'

          RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: There is a column with image data type







      --Determining the data type of the column and depending on the data type, the VALUES part of

      --the INSERT statement is generated. Care is taken to handle columns with NULL values. Also

      --making sure, not to lose any data from flot, real, money, smallmomey, datetime columns

      SET @Actual_Values = @Actual_Values  +


       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('char','varchar','nchar','nvarchar')


         'COALESCE('''''''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(' + @Column_Name + '),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''',''NULL'')'

       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('datetime','smalldatetime')


         'COALESCE('''''''' + RTRIM(CONVERT(char,' + @Column_Name + ',109))+'''''''',''NULL'')'

       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('uniqueidentifier')


         'COALESCE('''''''' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char(255),RTRIM(' + @Column_Name + ')),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''',''NULL'')'

       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('text','ntext')


         'COALESCE('''''''' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char(8000),' + @Column_Name + '),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''',''NULL'')'     

       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('binary','varbinary')


         'COALESCE(RTRIM(CONVERT(char,' + 'CONVERT(int,' + @Column_Name + '))),''NULL'')' 

       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('timestamp','rowversion')



          WHEN @include_timestamp = 0




            'COALESCE(RTRIM(CONVERT(char,' + 'CONVERT(int,' + @Column_Name + '))),''NULL'')' 


       WHEN @Data_Type IN ('float','real','money','smallmoney')


         'COALESCE(LTRIM(RTRIM(' + 'CONVERT(char, ' +  @Column_Name  + ',2)' + ')),''NULL'')'


        'COALESCE(LTRIM(RTRIM(' + 'CONVERT(char, ' +  @Column_Name  + ')' + ')),''NULL'')'

      END   + '+' +  ''',''' + ' + '


      --Generating the column list for the INSERT statement

      SET @Column_List = @Column_List +  @Column_Name + ',' 

      SKIP_LOOP: --The label used in GOTO



      WHERE  TABLE_NAME = @table_name AND


      (@owner IS NULL OR TABLE_SCHEMA = @owner)

     --Loop ends here!


    --To get rid of the extra characters that got concatenated during the last run through the loop

    SET @Column_List = LEFT(@Column_List,len(@Column_List) - 1)

    SET @Actual_Values = LEFT(@Actual_Values,len(@Actual_Values) - 6)

    IF LTRIM(@Column_List) = ''


      RAISERROR('No columns to select. There should at least be one column to generate the output',16,1)

      RETURN -1 --Failure. Reason: Looks like all the columns are ommitted using the @cols_to_exclude parameter


    --Forming the final string that will be executed, to output the INSERT statements

    IF (@include_column_list <> 0)


      SET @Actual_Values =

       'SELECT ' + 

       CASE WHEN @top IS NULL OR @top < 0 THEN '' ELSE ' TOP ' + LTRIM(STR(@top)) + ' ' END +

       '''' + RTRIM(@Start_Insert) +

       ' ''+' + '''(' + RTRIM(@Column_List) +  '''+' + ''')''' +

       ' +''VALUES(''+ ' +  @Actual_Values  + '+'')''' + ' ' +

       COALESCE(@from,' FROM ' + CASE WHEN @owner IS NULL THEN '' ELSE '[' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@owner)) + '].' END + '[' + rtrim(@table_name) + ']' + '(NOLOCK)')


    ELSE IF (@include_column_list = 0)


      SET @Actual_Values =

       'SELECT ' +

       CASE WHEN @top IS NULL OR @top < 0 THEN '' ELSE ' TOP ' + LTRIM(STR(@top)) + ' ' END +

       '''' + RTRIM(@Start_Insert) +

       ' '' +''VALUES(''+ ' +  @Actual_Values + '+'')''' + ' ' +

       COALESCE(@from,' FROM ' + CASE WHEN @owner IS NULL THEN '' ELSE '[' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@owner)) + '].' END + '[' + rtrim(@table_name) + ']' + '(NOLOCK)')


    --Determining whether to ouput any debug information

    IF @debug_mode =1



      PRINT 'Beginning of the INSERT statement:'

      PRINT @Start_Insert

      PRINT ''

      PRINT 'The column list:'

      PRINT @Column_List

      PRINT ''

      PRINT 'The SELECT statement executed to generate the INSERTs'

      PRINT @Actual_Values

      PRINT ''


      PRINT ''



    PRINT '--INSERTs generated by ''sp_generate_inserts'' stored procedure written by Vyas'

    PRINT '--Build number: 22'

    PRINT '--Problems/Suggestions? Contact Vyas @'

    PRINT '--'

    PRINT ''


    PRINT ''

    --Determining whether to print IDENTITY_INSERT or not

    IF (@IDN <> '')



      PRINT 'GO'

      PRINT ''


    IF @disable_constraints = 1 AND (OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@owner,USER_NAME())) + '.' + @table_name, 'U') IS NOT NULL)


      IF @owner IS NULL


        SELECT  'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@target_table, @table_name)) + ' NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' AS '--Code to disable constraints temporarily'




        SELECT  'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(@owner) + '.' + QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@target_table, @table_name)) + ' NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' AS '--Code to disable constraints temporarily'


      PRINT 'GO'


    PRINT ''

    PRINT 'PRINT ''Inserting values into ' + '[' + RTRIM(COALESCE(@target_table,@table_name)) + ']' + ''''

    --All the hard work pays off here!!! You'll get your INSERT statements, when the next line executes!

    EXEC (@Actual_Values)

    PRINT 'PRINT ''Done'''

    PRINT ''

    IF @disable_constraints = 1 AND (OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@owner,USER_NAME())) + '.' + @table_name, 'U') IS NOT NULL)


      IF @owner IS NULL


        SELECT  'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@target_table, @table_name)) + ' CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL'  AS '--Code to enable the previously disabled constraints'




        SELECT  'ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(@owner) + '.' + QUOTENAME(COALESCE(@target_table, @table_name)) + ' CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL' AS '--Code to enable the previously disabled constraints'


      PRINT 'GO'


    PRINT ''

    IF (@IDN <> '')



      PRINT 'GO'




    RETURN 0 --Success. We are done!



    PRINT 'Created the procedure'


    --Turn system object marking off

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category 2


    PRINT 'Granting EXECUTE permission on sp_generate_inserts to all users'

    GRANT EXEC ON sp_generate_inserts TO public



    PRINT 'Done'



  • A nice overview on available tools you can find here

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thank you very much.

    U guys were of gr8 help.


  • Try to generate your data script. All types are supported (Insert, Update, Delete).

    It's free.



  • Hello

    Here is another tool that is completely integrated into SQL Server Management Studio from Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Aris-Soft Data Scriptor AddIn for SQL Server Management Studio (

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