Script Component writing UNC path very slow...

  • Paul,

    But that is what I suggested. You don't have to write your own class . You already have BufferedStream and FileStream (which is also buffered). Unfortunately this didn't help. There is some other issue, which have to be analyzed.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • They're not exactly the same. The difference is that a stream will have an open handle on the file the entire time. Plus you'd have to manage the buffer limit yourself anyway.

    But to be honest I have never used either option myself. I just remember a friend stating that the BufferedStream did not give the performance that his custom class did. Either way it is worth testing both of these options and see how the results compare.

  • CozyRoc (6/18/2009)

    John Rowan (6/18/2009)

    Phil Parkin (6/17/2009)

    You have mentioned "Script Task" and "Script Component" as if they are the interchangeable - they are not. Just for clarification, I'm assuming that you mean Script Task here?

    If you were using a Script Component for this, I could understand why performance might be lacking ...

    Phil, you've broght up an interesting point here. I try to avoid script tasks/components unless absolutely necessary and even then I try to use it for variable manipulation, error processing, and non-data centric operations. Can you elaborate on the differences between the script task and component? I'm assuming that the component processes rows 1-by-1 similar to the OLE DB Command transformation. Is this what you are referring to?

    Actually the script tasks / component are very fast. They are in fact full-blown .NET classes. The performance problem is not caused by the used technology.

    The difference between script task and script component is that:

    - script task is piece of functionality used in the SSIS package control flow.

    - script component is piece of functionality used in the SSIS data flow.

    This is it. The same terminology is applied to the other parts of the SSIS framework. You have FTP Task and then you have Lookup Component.

    Sorry I'm coming back to this thread so late ... but, if anyone is interested, here are the differences between the two described in some detail:

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