October 14, 2011 at 1:35 pm
I have the following script. It converts any CRLFs in the flat file to LFs. I only want this to happen when the CRLFs are are not the row delimiter. This flat file has a | delimiter for columns, and " for text. ALL fields are text.
Dim file As New System.IO.StreamReader("\\MyServer\D$\MyFolder\MyFile.txt")
Dim data As String
data = file.ReadToEnd()
data = data.Replace(vbCrLf, vbLf) -- I ONLY WANT TO DO THIS IF IT'S NOT THE ROW DELIMITER
Dim writer As New System.IO.StreamWriter(("\\MyServer\D$\MyFolder\MyFile.txt"), False)
Can someone please help me with the syntax to ignore the replace when it's the row delimiter?f
[font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]
October 15, 2011 at 4:06 pm
One option is to use a data flow, and relapce crlf with lf in each field, and save it back out. Might be problematic in ssis though...
The other option is to build a regex that matches a full line, and do the replace on the characters that match, then write the line out followed by a crlf. Repeat for the next match.
Untested regex to match a 3 field line( on my phone, can't test this):
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