Script collation clause

  • In SQL2000, in Query Analyzer, Tools, Options, Script, you could say "Do not script the collation clause."  Does anyone know if this option exists in SQL2005 SSMS?  I can't find it in any of the options, and it is turned on by default, so if I script a table it inserts the collate clause for each field.  I would like to turn that off.

    Thank you.

    Holly Kilpatrick

  • You can turn this option off when using the SQL Server Scripts Wizard.  You start it by selecting Generate Scripts when right clicking on a database in Object Explorer.

  • Lynn,

    Thank you very much.  I never tried this, because I script tables by right clicking on the table in Object Explorer, and that option is not available there.  This is a roundabout way to script one table, but if I want the result without the collation clauses, I am glad to see there is a way to get it.  I appreciate your response.


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