September 15, 2004 at 8:38 am
Joining your site, answering the QOD, reviewing my score I wondered if it is possible to view it by percentage correct answers?
To gather point is not that difficult but answering them correct it is.
If the top ranking one has just an average of 52 % and 500 points I considder this less as the one who answered just 80 questions and scores 100% ( all 80 correct ).
Just a thought.....
Guus Kramer
The Netherlands
September 15, 2004 at 10:51 am
Now I look at it the other way...I answer 80 easy questions, get all right, and have 100% right. You answer 500 questions which are easy and hard, get half right, and end up with 52%. I feel your 52% is better than my 100%.
Likewise, by percentage, everyone who only answers one question and gets it right has a 100% correct score. So who's score is 'better' then? Your 52% or the 100% for the person who only answered one question and got it right?
September 15, 2004 at 11:45 pm
I agree,
Its maybe an option to show them both.
September 16, 2004 at 10:04 am
Both might be the best choice. We had some complaints about this for people that don't want to go back. However if I answer 1 question right, is 100% the "best" percentage?
Or maybe some threshhold like the best % for people that have answered 75% of the questions.
September 16, 2004 at 11:48 am
You can already see your percentage as well as the points earned. Comparing percentages is not as meaningful unless we both have answered exactly the same questions. If I get 100% by answering 50 'easy' questions and you score 95% answering 50 'difficult' questions its arguable that you did 'better'. Without knowing which questions were answered percentage is not very useful.
If you want to take into account questions answered incorrectly how about a penalty for questions answered incorrectly. 2 points for getting it right -1 for getting it wrong or +1 for a correct response -.5 for an incorrect response.
Personally I don't care for comparing. I like to know how many I answered right and wrong but I don't care how that compares with anyone else. The reason is that the QOD is after all a 'open book' test in that I can look up the answers in a book, or through MSDN or BOL or even try it out in some cases. Therefore QOD is more of a tool to help us learn stuff that a real test of our current knowledge. If I choose to look up the answer first and I don't get it right then I deserve a penalty. What if I just wait a day and answer based on the next days newsletter? If I compare how do I know that everyone you got a better score than me didn't do that? Now that I think about it I'm sure anyone who got a better score than me must have 'cheated'. Don't bother putting too much work into comparing scores - like comparing %ages beyond some threshold or assigning negative values for missed questions or assigning only half points for questions answered after the answer is published. Its not worth much effort.
September 16, 2004 at 11:43 pm
The QOD makes me focus on specific parts of SQLserver 2000 and I try to learn from this. As an Oracle DBA for several years I started working with SQL server only last January and I try to learn from all opportunities. This is how I found and browing this site I just ran into the score cards pages. And I just wondered..........
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