Scheduled Job Step duration

  • I had a Scheduled Job every night with 5 steps. Yesterday night the step 3 that usually takes 2 minutes to completed spend more than 4 hours, Anybody can help me to detect the cause? There is any way to know the server activity at the time the step starts or during this hours ?

    Thanks a lot

  • When your job is hanging, you may run the following scripts to check whether or not there is any task running against your server.

    sp_who2 active

    SELECT * FROM master..sysprocesses

    Pay special attention to the CPU, IO, and block.

  • You can also set up a server side trace that you can then look at to determine what is going on. My guess is you are sleeping when the job runs and prefer it that way so you can't run sp_who2 or other interactive SQL.

    What has changed on the server between the times the job has run? Has another job been setup? Have statistics been updated thus invalidating the query plan?

  • Thanks a lot for your answers!!

    Tomorrow morning I will try them at work.

    Best for you


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