October 13, 2017 at 9:45 am
saintor1 - Friday, October 13, 2017 6:10 AMOk *success*, I think that I figured out the use of table UDF...
SELECT I.StockCode, I.Description, I.AlternateKey1 AS Family,
I.LeadTime, I.Ebq, W.Warehouse, U.RET AS QtyOnHandNoExcl,
W.QtyInTransit, W.QtyOnOrder, W.QtyAllocatedWip,
W.QtyAllocated AS QtyAllocatedSales, W.UnitCost, W.DateLastSale,
W.DateLastPurchase, W.UserField1 AS MINMAXCTRL, W.MinimumQty,
W.MaximumQty, W.ReOrderQty AS ReOrderPt, W.YtdQtySold,
W.PrevYearQtySold, I.Supplier, I.Version,
I.StockOnHold, I.CountryOfOrigin, I.PartCategory
FROM SysproSStar.dbo.InvMaster I INNER JOIN
SysproSStar.dbo.InvWarehouse W ON I.StockCode = W.StockCode OUTER
APPLY dbo.QtyOnHandNoExcl(W.StockCode, W.Warehouse, 'K') U;
That looks to be the ticket. Thanks for the feedback.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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