December 4, 2003 at 2:57 pm
I have a UDF that gets called for many rows, and columns when outputing data to text files.
When the code of the UDF is executed "inline", I get "good" performance.
Calling the UDF that does the same work is much slower....
The UDF:
Create Function fn_LPadZeroInt
(@Num Int,
@Length int)
Returns VarChar(20)
-- Returns passed integer value left-padded with zeros for length of passed @Length
--ie passed value of 123,6 becomes "000123"
-- Print dbo.fn_LPadZeroInt(-123, 6)
return Case When @Num < 0
Then right('-00000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), -@Num), @Length)
Else right('00000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), @Num), @Length)
Sample Test Code (Offending line commented):
Declare @Start DateTime
Select @Start = GetDate()
Select Count(*), Min(Number), Max(Number)
,Max(Case When Number < 0
Then right('-00000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), -Number), 5)
Else right('000000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), Number), 6)
end) AS LocalFast
--,Max(Dbo.fn_LPadZeroInt(Number, 6)) as FromFunc
from (
Select HB.Number * 256 + LB.Number as Number
From Master.dbo.spt_Values HB
Cross Join Master.dbo.spt_Values LB
Where HB.Type = 'P' and LB.Type = 'P'
and HB.Number Between 0 and 256
) NumX65536
Print Convert(Varchar(10), DateDiff(ms, @Start, GetDate())) + 'ms'
Any ideas to speed things up?
I'd like to keep using a UDF, to keep the other code clean.
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
December 4, 2003 at 3:16 pm
Or a built-in SQL function that does the same kind of "padding".
+1 = "00001"
-1 = "-0001"
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
December 4, 2003 at 3:37 pm
I have had exactly the same performance problems with Scalar functions.
I suspect that if you run Profiler when running the function, you will see Profiler flooded with what appears to be Stored Procedure calls (one for each row).
December 4, 2003 at 3:44 pm
Thanks for the simpathy....
I use the function upto 100 times / row. 🙁
Output is fixed length text data.
The actual TSQL gets generated via SPs, but having the UDF call makes debugging alot easier, and if I had to "inline" the code would get really long....
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
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