Scalar Function Performance issue.

  • I have a UDF that gets called for many rows, and columns when outputing data to text files.

    When the code of the UDF is executed "inline", I get "good" performance.

    Calling the UDF that does the same work is much slower....

    The UDF:

    Create Function fn_LPadZeroInt 
    (@Num Int,
    @Length int)
    Returns VarChar(20)
    -- Returns passed integer value left-padded with zeros for length of passed @Length
    --ie passed value of 123,6 becomes "000123"
    -- Print dbo.fn_LPadZeroInt(-123, 6)
    return Case When @Num < 0
    Then right('-00000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), -@Num), @Length)
    Else right('00000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), @Num), @Length)

    Sample Test Code (Offending line commented):

    Declare @Start DateTime 
    Select @Start = GetDate()
    Select Count(*), Min(Number), Max(Number)
    ,Max(Case When Number < 0
    Then right('-00000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), -Number), 5)
    Else right('000000000000000000000' + convert(varchar(20), Number), 6)
    end) AS LocalFast
    --,Max(Dbo.fn_LPadZeroInt(Number, 6)) as FromFunc
    from (
    Select HB.Number * 256 + LB.Number as Number
    From Master.dbo.spt_Values HB
    Cross Join Master.dbo.spt_Values LB
    Where HB.Type = 'P' and LB.Type = 'P'
    and HB.Number Between 0 and 256
    ) NumX65536
    Print Convert(Varchar(10), DateDiff(ms, @Start, GetDate())) + 'ms'

    Any ideas to speed things up?

    I'd like to keep using a UDF, to keep the other code clean.


    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Or a built-in SQL function that does the same kind of "padding".

    +1 = "00001"

    -1 = "-0001"

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • I have had exactly the same performance problems with Scalar functions.

    I suspect that if you run Profiler when running the function, you will see Profiler flooded with what appears to be Stored Procedure calls (one for each row).

  • Thanks for the simpathy....

    I use the function upto 100 times / row. 🙁

    Output is fixed length text data.

    The actual TSQL gets generated via SPs, but having the UDF call makes debugging alot easier, and if I had to "inline" the code would get really long....

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

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