Saying Thank You

  • The flight "gotcha" that has gotten me before is when it is one of these "code share" flights which are shared between two (or even more) airlines. You book it through ABC Airlines and think it's leaving from the ABC terminal... but Nooooo when you look more closely it says "Operated by XYZ Airlines" so you really need to be at the XYZ terminal over on the other side of the airport! Arghhhh!! :crazy:

    Watch out for the Code Shares!

  • Even when I have a meltdown with customer service (seems to happen with my ISP with regularity), I always say: "I appreciate your help". Though, if I have to keep calling about the same unresolved issue, I politely ask to speak to the team lead and then let it rip without mercy. On several occasions I have managed to escalate myself to a senior executive (a CEO once) who should NEVER get complaints directly from a customer. Problems get resolved quickly once you get to the V and C-level.

    James Stover, McDBA

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