Saving the Object Explorer

  • Hi all,

    Sorry if this is too much of a newbie question, but I tried to search the forum and didn't get a return. Anyways, in the MSSMS (Management Studio) I am adding servers under the Object Explorer. I have tried to do a File, SaveAll after connection to all 15 servers. However when I close the MSSMS and reconnect, I have to reconnect all 15 servers. Is there a way to save my view after connecting or do I have to reconnect each time?

    Thanks in Advance,


  • I'm not aware of a way to automatically connect to servers when SSMS is opened. You can save servers in the Registered Servers window, but you still have to double-click on each one to connect.


  • Greg Charles (4/15/2009)

    I'm not aware of a way to automatically connect to servers when SSMS is opened. You can save servers in the Registered Servers window, but you still have to double-click on each one to connect.

    Thanks Greg, at least it's a little better than having to register each server every time. 😀

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