Saving Query Results to .txt using Scripts

  • Hi All,

    I need to save the results of any Query to a delimited .txt (Any Delimiter)

    however i need it to be saved from within a SQL Proc, which will be called every night

    in a job.

    Any Help Please...

  • Hi,

    You can use bcp with xp_cmdshell or openrowset. Please refer to the following links. I recommend you to use open rowset. Please refer the following links.

    bcp with xp_cmdshell


    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • both bcp and the more robust sqlcmd have the ability to be fed a query and output the results to a file;

    that is your best choices, unless you write/find a CLR to do it for you instead.


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  • Thanks Guys,

    Im looking into it now...

  • If you are using a job to send the results to a .txt file, the one alternative way would be to create a SSIS package to extract the data and create the file and then schedule this package as run as your nightly job.,

  • Hi,

    i faced a similar problem and i created a stored procedure that uses bcp, fmt format file and xp_cmdshell..

    The code follow this:

    select @cmd = 'bcp "SELECT column from table" queryout ' D:\exported.txt -f D:\format.fmt - T

    EXEC @rc = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    IF @rc 0


    PRINT 'cmd faillure!'

    return 1




    Print 'cmd execution ok!'

    return 0


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