Saving Global Variables within Package

  • Hi

    I have a DTS package that has a global variable that contains a variable if the package fails,  however I would like the package to ratain this value after it has run so that I can conditionally perform certain actions after a number of failures

    Is there anyway of saving this value.  The only way to accomplich this so far I can see is to use an activex task to load the package from within itself increment the value and issue a .savetosqlserver, but am unsure as to whether it will allow me to save the package whilst it is being run





  • Consider writing an activex task that creates a text file using filsystemobject and then writes the values of the variables to the text file. That way you can tell exactly what the values were.

    For examples, see this post:

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I've got a few DTS packages that use global variables in the way mentioned above.

    DTSGlobalVariables("GBL_LastSuccessfulRun").Value = CSTR(CurrentDateTime)

      Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent 

      oPkg.SaveToSQLServer "SERVERNAME", , , DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection

    It's pretty straightforward and I haven't had any problems since I created them a few months back.

  • Having about the same situation as described I just save the values of the global variables in a table (in this case one column).

    I created an Execute SQL Task for each variable as:

    insert into variablelog values (?)  where ? is the input Parameter for the

    global parameter.

  • You would be far better off saving your variables to a table and have your package read them in at the first step of execution.  If you call the Package objects SaveToSQLServer method, you will be creating a new version of your package every time it executes...  Unless you plan to delete a lot of older versions often in the future, your msdb database will grow to a very large size in the near-term.  Also, you will surely leave yourself open for corruption... And have you thought of accidental multiple executions of the package?

    -Mike Gercevich

  • Thanks for the replies, - that's a good point Mike, I had forgotten about that consideration

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