Sample reports

  • Forgive me, because I'm assuming that this has been discussed before, but I've been unable to find it anywhere on the site, or on the web, for that matter.

    I want some reports that will detail various information about logins, users and other pieces of information about my server and databases. I can create what I need, but I'm guessing that there are either supplied reports with Reporting Services, or that users have posted/gathered their own.

    Do we have a "report repository" on SSC, or does someone know of a blog/site that I could grab some 'canned' reports from?


    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • Have you looked at the reports that are provided in SSMS? If not, open SSMS and right click on any object, a Reports menu item will be availalbe. Different objects have different reports.

  • MS has some sample reports for database tables and columns plus some reports for SSRS usage. Try

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