February 24, 2005 at 1:03 pm
Hi all, is there any one who can help me in recovering my SA password. I m in deep trouble, is there any way by which i can recover my sa password. Currently i have not any other user with sys admin, security admin rights.
February 24, 2005 at 7:40 pm
Didn't you write it down in a safe place??
February 25, 2005 at 1:37 am
Are you using integrated security or standard. I am assuming standard. If so then change the security mode to mixed (this can be done via the registry - it has been posted before). Make sure you are in the admins group and then you can change the sa password.
February 25, 2005 at 1:43 am
Jon McMullin - You need to read the rulles before posting unhelpful comments.
People need to know that they can post their problem here without people sneering at them - we've all done silly things, but hopefully we learn by them.
February 25, 2005 at 5:44 am
Take a look at http://www.ngssoftware.com/sqlcrack.htm
February 25, 2005 at 8:00 am
In case you can't use the sqlcrack program (I believe you must be sysadmin to run this software) you may need to think about another method. Do you have access to either EM or QA where via a sysadmin id where the password was saved? If so you could create yourself an id and change the sa password.
If there really is nothing, you may need to think about reinstalling. using the latest backups of the user databases and the msdb database. This is a fair bit a work, so you may not want to do this without eliminating all other options.
February 25, 2005 at 8:21 am
1. Log in to the OS as administrator.
2. If yours is a default instance of SQL Server, check the following value to make sure it set to a 0 (if you change this value, you must restart SQL Server):
3. Run this from the command line to update the 'sa' password to NULL:
osql -E -Q "EXEC sp_password NULL, NULL, 'sa'"
February 25, 2005 at 8:36 am
You can also try this: register the SQL Server in the Enterprise Manager with Windows Authentication. Ensure that the Windows login you are using is a member of the Administrators group of the SQL Server machine. Then you can change the sa password from the EM, by accessing 'Logins' under 'Security'.
Hope this helps.
February 25, 2005 at 9:03 am
Here is another procedure
1- Stop MSSQL Server Service
2- Copy all system datafiles to a new folder
3- rebuild your master database, at this point you'll get access to SQL Server with sysadmin rights
4- Start MSSQL Server Service
5- attach old master database, the one backed up on step 2, using the name master_old
6- Execute the foloowing procedure on master_old databases
you will get an script with all the logins in the server with the same sid and password ecrypted.
7- Execute The script from step 6.
8- Attach all users databases
9- set the right default database to every single login.
10- set the rights server roles for every single login.
11- detach master_old database
12- stop mssqlserver service and replaces the datafiles for msdb db with the ones backed up in step 2
13- start mssqlserver service
14- check that everything it's ok, and do a full backup, and also store in a secure place the new credentials for sa
Sorry for my poor english and good luck
Francisco Valdebenito
March 2, 2005 at 9:02 pm
You are right . I am sorry for not considering context of how my post would be taken . I was more feeling panic for him not trying to make fun of him . Next time I will be more constructive !
These guys sure know how to get to the solution quick! Can you take my full name out of the post please?
March 7, 2005 at 9:25 am
On a machine with a working registration in Enterprise manager run the following VB-Script;
dim App, cntServ, cntGrps
Set App = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")
For cntGrps = 1 to App.ServerGroups.Count
For cntServ = 1 To App.ServerGroups(cntGrps).RegisteredServers.Count
MsgBox "GROUP: " & App.ServerGroups(cntGrps).Name & vbcrlf _
& "SERVER: " & App.ServerGroups(cntGrps).RegisteredServers(cntServ).Name & vbcrlf _
& "USER: " & App.ServerGroups(cntGrps).RegisteredServers(cntServ).Login & vbcrlf _
& "PASSWORD: " & App.ServerGroups(cntGrps).RegisteredServers(cntServ).Password
Set App = nothing
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