October 29, 2005 at 10:54 pm
A little off topic today, but bear with me. Sometimes there are just more important things going on in the world than our jobs.
I have three kids, a wife, two dogs, a cat, and a horse. And I have been incredibly lucky in life that they are all healthy, have had no major injuries or illnesses and we all have a great life. On Friday I got an email from some former co-workers at JD Edwards. It seems a mutual friend from JD Edwards hasn't been quite as lucky and has been through a struggle with his darling little girl.
That's Ryli above, and at just about 19 months old, she's a sick little girl. She has an undiagnosed neurological disorder and her parents are trying to get her the care she needs. She's been accepted into Johns Hopkins, but Ryli's insurance will not cover the trip or treatment. You can read more about her story by clicking the link above, but a word of warning. It's sad and literally brought tears to my eyes Friday morning.
I don't mean to make anyone fell guilty, but stop for a minute and think about how lucky most of you are. I know I do. I don't have to worry about rushing kids to the hospital. I don't worry about providing for my family over the next week. I don't have a clunker of a car, struggle to pay the rent, or any of the other very real minor issues most of us deal with everyday.
And then think about the problems Ryli's parents face everyday.
I'm not asking you to donate money. It would be nice and there are ways to do that, but Ryli's aunt setup a web site and is holding a raffle to raise money. She is offering fantastic seats for the Colorado Avalanche game on January 4th, 2005, $162 in value, for the price of a $20 raffle ticket. If you live near Denver, you know how hard these are to come by.
I know most of you don't live in Colorado, but hey, take a chance on a ticket. You'll be contributing to a great cause and you can always sell your tickets on StubHub.com, maybe for a nice profit. Tickets are going for $100 and better for most games right now.
This is a great community and Ryli would greatly appreciate anything you can do.
To buy a raffle ticket (US$20) click here
Steve Jones
October 30, 2005 at 12:04 am
Steve -
Can you check on the "URL above"? I couldn't find it anywhere in your post. Thanks for offering us this opportunity, our children are the future.
P.S. $20 bucks is literally nothing in the scheme of things, last time I took my clan to Mickey D's it cost me a lot more than $20 bucks... "but for the grace of God there go I". 5 Kids, not even an allergy... my biggest complaint is that they're all too damn smart for my own good!
P.P.S. Go Avs!!!
October 30, 2005 at 9:48 pm
Sorry, the URL is the picture, but here it is:
October 31, 2005 at 3:02 am
Hi Steve,
I can't think of anything worse than having a very sick child; i've got two kids at home and whilst they're both healthy I know that i'd move heaven and earth to help them in any way that was needed if they got sick so my heart really goes out to this family.
I've bought a raffle ticket and on the offchance that I actually win (it'd be a first because i never win anything), I've said that they can sell the ticket on and add the money to the fund. Being in the UK it's not as if i'd ever get chance to go to the game anyway .
I really hope that Ryli is ok and gets the help that she needs, please keep us informed on her progress,
October 31, 2005 at 8:14 am
Thanks and I will. I heard from her Dad this weekend and she was still in the hospital for the time being, but I'll drop a few notes here and there as I get updates.
October 31, 2005 at 10:08 am
The site now has a snail mail address for sending in donations!
With this group, I feel sure we can help. This family does not need the additional stress of finances with such difficulties!
Thanks Steve!!!
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
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