Running VBScript

  • I get the following error

    ActiveX Scritping was not able to initialize the script execution engine

    When executing a VBScript within SQL Server. The catch is. All work fine under my login. But Get this error when anybody else tries to execute a VBScript. To include our service account.

    I have re-registered : dtspump.dll, dtspckg.dll, and axscphst.dll

    Please let me know if you have encountered this before and have any suggestions





  • We had some problems when creating ActiveX script jobs. What we did is to save a script as a file with extension vbs (like mysript.vbs) and then create a job step as Operating System command line script. In the Command textbox you will enter:

    cscript myscript.vbs

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • We have ActiveX scripts through out all our DTS packages. I am not sure your solution would help in this instance?


  • You may use xp_cmdshell or use Execute Process task.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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