Running totals

  • I’m hitting a brick wall or something.  I’m trying to take a monthly running total of commissions and a yearly running total of commission by employee and I’m having issues getting the code to generate this properly.  I’ve looked at this for so long; I’m forgetting what I’ve been looking at.  I’ve tried creating a temp table and then referencing the temp table. And I even tried declaring values and creating a cursor, etc.  I’m going ‘cross-eyed’ here.  Here's what I originally started out doing:






























































           When tag_prod_code < 625 

           and substring(update_dtm,3,2) = month_ind

           then SUM(rep_comm)

           ELSE rep_comm

      END as rep_acr_comm_MO,


           When tag_prod_code < 625

           and left(adj_trade_ymd,2) = year_ind

           then SUM(rep_comm)

           ELSE rep_comm

      END as rep_acr_comm_YR,  




    from PS_COD_split

    group by
































































    order by





    Somebody please save my eyesight, as well as my sanity.

    Thanks - Scottye


  • I see at least one thing.  You are summing rep_comm, but you are also selecting and grouping on this field.  This will throw off your summation as it will treat each value as unique.... 



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks... you were right.  Not to mention the fact that I had a whole plethora of other issues with trying to sum that one copmun based on spedific criteria.  I would up creating the procedure and allowing it to throw select commission data into one temp table based upon month.  I then threw the same data into a second temp table based upon year.  I then inserted ALL the data into the FINAL table and joined with the two temp tables where the employee number was equal across all three tables.

    Thanks for your help.



  • Glad to help - I too often miss the trees for the forest... 

    (fortunately I have 'friends' here who are more than happy to point that out with 'humor'...)   

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Haven't said anything yet .

  • I said "with" humor....  



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • That's what these indicate : .

  • You should learn from sushila - she's got 'text' funny-bones riddled through her body...  


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Didn't major in english and I never will...

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