Running Total on MDX query

  • hi All,

    Can you help with trying to get running sales total on some comes out the definition of my [running total] member correct ?

    -- with set picking out a set of specified members and running totals not working


    SET [Selected Products]



    [Dim Product].[English Product Name].&[Mountain-200 Black, 38],

    [Dim Product].[English Product Name].&[Mountain-200 Black, 46],

    [Dim Product].[English Product Name].&[Mountain-200 Silver, 38]


    MEMBER [Running Totals] AS 'SUM (null : [Dim Product].[English Product Name].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Sales Amount])'

    SELECT {[Measures].[Sales Amount],[Running Totals]} ON 0,

    [Selected Products] ON 1

    FROM dsvAdventureWorksDW



    Product Sales AmountRunning Totals Should be

    Mountain-200 Black, 381294866.14123200703.1412 1294866.1412

    Mountain-200 Black, 461373469.54825937314.78279999 2668335.6894

    Mountain-200 Silver, 381339462.79047276777.57319999 4007798.4799

  • hi All,

    Finally cracked it...after trawling the net...not saying it is not the only solution, but one that works...

    I used the rank function to bring back ordinal position of member in the set

    and then the head function that sums to the ordinal position....


    SET [Selected Products]



    [Dim Product].[English Product Name].&[Mountain-200 Black, 38],

    [Dim Product].[English Product Name].&[Mountain-200 Black, 46],

    [Dim Product].[English Product Name].&[Mountain-200 Silver, 38]


    MEMBER [OffSet] AS rank([Dim Product].[English Product Name],[Selected Products]) -- <=== brings back ordinal position of member in set

    MEMBER [Running Totals] AS 'SUM(HEAD([Selected Products], [OffSet]),[Measures].[Sales Amount])'

    SELECT {[Measures].[Sales Amount], [Running Totals]} ON 0,

    [Selected Products] ON 1

    FROM dsvAdventureWorksDW

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