Running stored procedure from module in .adp file

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to get the ADO to behave-setting VBA declared globals to arguments in SPROC and then executing. I keep getting error message "Items cannot be found in collection...". Any ideas ??

    Thanks much

    This is the On_Click event code in VBA module...

        Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

        Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

        Dim params As ADODB.Parameters


        Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

        With cmd

             .CommandText = "spEVA_Export"

             .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

             Set params = .Parameters

        End With



       params("@EndDate") = EndDate

       params("@Account1") = Account1


       Set rs = cmd.Execute

  • I'd like to run some test on my pc... can you send me the proc (at least the header so that I know what to work with)?

  • It's on a different PC. I'll remote in later this afternoon and get it to you.


  • OK here's the full sub...

    Private Sub Command84_Click()

    On Error GoTo Err_Command84_Click

        Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

        Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

        Dim params As ADODB.Parameters


        Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

        With cmd

             .CommandText = "spEVA_Export"

             .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

             Set params = .Parameters

        End With



       params("@EndDate") = EndDate

       params("@Account1") = Account1


       Set rs = cmd.Execute


        Exit Sub


        MsgBox Err.Description

        Resume Exit_Command84_Click


    End Sub

  • Thanks. I meant the code of the stored proc on the sql server.

  • Ohh sorry, here it is....the parameters are referenced in the WHERE clause

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spEVA_Export(@EndDate varchar(20), @Account1 varchar(20))

    AS INSERT INTO dbo.tblEVA_Export

                          ([Account Number], Filler0, Filler01, [Record Sequence Num], [Security Name], Rate, [Maturity Date], Filler1, [Industry Code], CUSIP, Price, [Price Sign],

                          [Pricing Date], [Price Source Code], Filler2, , [Moody's Rating], [Units Invested], [Units Sign], [Book cost], [Inv Sign], Filler3, [Market value],

                           [MV Sign], [Estimated Annual Income], [Estimated Annual Income Sign], [Accrued Income], [Accrued Income Sign], Filler4, [Amortized Units],

                          [Amortized Unit Sign], [Asset Classification Code], Filler5)

    SELECT     dbo.fnPadZeroLeft(dbo.tblAccount.Account_ID) AS [Account Number], dbo.fnZeroFiller(6) AS Filler0, dbo.fnSpacer(9) AS Filler01, dbo.fnZeroFiller(0)

                          AS [Record Sequence Num], dbo.tblAsset.Short_Description AS [Security Name], dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(dbo.tblAsset.Nominal_Interest_Rate, 10, 6)

                          AS Rate, DATEPART(yy, dbo.tblAsset.Maturity_Date) AS [Maturity Date], dbo.fnSpacer(2) AS Filler1,

                          dbo.tblAsset.Industry_Category_ID AS [Industry Code], dbo.tblAsset.Identity_Number AS CUSIP, dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(ABS(dbo.tblPosition.Price), 9, 5)

                          AS Price, dbo.fnSpacer(1) AS [Price Sign], DATEPART(yy, dbo.tblPosition.Price_Date) AS [Pricing Date], dbo.fnSpacer(0) AS [Price Source Code],

                          dbo.fnSpacer(1) AS Filler2, dbo.tblPosition.Standard_Poors_Rating AS , dbo.tblPosition.Moodys_Rating AS [Moody's Rating],

                          dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(dbo.tblPosition.Quantity, 11, 2) AS [Units Invested], dbo.fnSpacer(1) AS [Units Sign],

                          dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(dbo.tblPosition.Cost_Base, 11, 2) AS [Book Cost], dbo.fnSpacer(1) AS [Inv Sign], dbo.fnSpacer(2) AS Filler3,

                          dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(ABS(dbo.tblPosition.Market_Value_Base), 13, 2) AS [Market value], dbo.fnSpacer(1) AS [MV Sign],

                          dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(dbo.tblPosition.Estimated_Annual_Income, 11, 2) AS [Estimated Annual Income], dbo.fnSpacer(1)

                          AS [Estimated Annual Income Sign], dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(dbo.tblPosition.Accrued_Income_Base, 11, 2) AS [Accrued Income], dbo.fnSpacer(1)

                          AS [Accrued Income Sign], dbo.fnSpacer(6) AS Filler4, dbo.fnRemoveDecimal(ABS(dbo.tblPosition.Paydown_Quantity), 16, 4) AS [Amortized Units],

                          dbo.fnSpacer(1) AS [Amortized Unit Sign], dbo.tblAssetTaxCategory.Level_2_Category_ID AS [Asset Classification Code], dbo.fnZeroFiller(6)

                          AS Filler5

    FROM         dbo.tblAccountGroup INNER JOIN

                          dbo.tblAsset INNER JOIN

                          dbo.tblAccount INNER JOIN

                          dbo.tblPosition ON dbo.tblAccount.Account_ID = dbo.tblPosition.Account_ID ON dbo.tblAsset.Asset_ID = dbo.tblPosition.Asset_ID ON

                          dbo.tblAccountGroup.Account_ID = dbo.tblAccount.Account_ID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.tblAssetTaxIntersect ON dbo.tblAsset.Asset_ID = dbo.tblAssetTaxIntersect.Asset_ID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.tblAssetTaxCategory ON dbo.tblAssetTaxIntersect.Taxonomy_ID = dbo.tblAssetTaxCategory.Taxonomy_ID AND

                          dbo.tblAssetTaxIntersect.Category_ID = dbo.tblAssetTaxCategory.Category_ID

    WHERE (((tblAssetTaxCategory.Taxonomy_ID)='0002')) AND  ((tblAccountGroup.Group_ID)=@Account1) AND ((tblPosition.Evaluation_Date)=@EndDate);


  • I'd like to do this for you but I don't have time... so here's a working sample code from one of my programs :


    Private Function exec_GetStartUpForm(ByVal FkADP As Integer, ByRef FormName As String, ByRef Maximized As Boolean)

    On Error GoTo Gestion

        Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

        Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

        MyCmd.CommandText = "dbo.GetStartUpForm"

        MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

        Dim MyParam As ADODB.Parameter

        Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

        MyParam.Name = "@FkADP"

        MyParam.Value = FkADP

        MyParam.Size = 4

        MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

        MyParam.Type = adInteger

        MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

        Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

        MyParam.Name = "@FormName"

        MyParam.Value = FormName

        MyParam.Size = 100

        MyParam.Direction = adParamInputOutput

        MyParam.Type = adVarChar

        MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

        Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

        MyParam.Name = "@Maximized"

        MyParam.Value = Maximized

        MyParam.Size = 1

        MyParam.Direction = adParamInputOutput

        MyParam.Type = adBoolean

        MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

        MyCmd.ActiveConnection = MyCn


        FormName = MyCmd.Parameters("@FormName").Value

        Maximized = MyCmd.Parameters("@Maximized").Value

        Set MyParam = Nothing

        Set MyCmd = Nothing

    Exit Function


        Select Case Err.Number

            Case Else

                Select Case ErrHandler(ModuleName, "ModGlobals", "exec_GetStartUpForm", Err, Erl())

                    Case ErrResume


                    Case ErrResumeNext

                                Resume Next

                    Case ErrExit

                                MsgBox Err.Description & " : " & Err.Number

                                Exit Function

                End Select

        End Select

    End Function


  • OK thanks for the code. I will deduce the necessary components. I'm new to SQL server and for that matter coding with ADO, so I wasn't sure if I needed to Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command and then instantiate  Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command when I've already created the Sproc "spEVA_Export" with applicable parameters in SQL Server. You know? But it looks like I do if the actions are to be executed from an .adp file, correct? Intuitively, it seemed redundant to do so.

    Thanks much........RO

  • It's not really redundant.  Sql server and ado are 2 different things operating in 2 different environement... and to call a procedure you need to tell the name, the parameters and the values.  There's no way around that in any language.

  • Very well...thanks again...I will persevere.

  • OK, This is killing me... I am still getting 'Connection cannot be used to perform this operation...' error. I'm not understanding how ADO  cannot make the logical conclusion that I'm using the database set forth when I setup the .adp file.

    All I need to do is pass two globals as parameters into a stored procedure- which also happens to reside in .adp file. (The code for the sproc is shown above) If I were to run the sproc w/o any parameter, then it's a piece of cake ... DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure "spEVA_Export"

    Why then should passing parameters become so much more code intensive? This is the code I have...

    Function AdoSpec()

    On Error GoTo FreeWilly

        Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

        Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

        MyCmd.CommandText = "spEVA_Export"

        MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

        Dim MyParam As ADODB.Parameter

        Dim MyCn As ADODB.Connection

        Set MyCn = New ADODB.Connection

        MyCn = DefaultDatabase

        Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

        MyParam.Name = "@EndDate"

        MyParam.Value = EndDate

        MyParam.Size = 7

        MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

        MyParam.Type = adVariant

        MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

        Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

        MyParam.Name = "@Account1"

        MyParam.Value = Account1

        MyParam.Size = 9

        MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

        MyParam.Type = adVariant



        MyCmd.Execute , MyParam  /*Connection error occurs here*/


        Set MyParam = Nothing

        Set MyCmd = Nothing

    Exit Function

  • no 'MyCmd.ActiveConnection' statement? look at the example code again on page one. other than that, not sure what you could have missed?

  • Ya that's a big one.  You must set a connection for the command object and that connection must be opened when executing the code.


    Also I think that the parameters size are off a bit.  For dates and int you can leave those out.  My code is computer generated so it outputs that for every parameter even though it's not mandatory.

  • Since he is using an adp, you do not have to set a connection, like you do when you use an mdb. An access adp maintains its own connection to the SQL server.

    Here is a subroutine that I use to execute a stored procedure that has parameters from an adp. This creates and appends the parameters at one time, in the same statement, though it is not necessary to do it this way.

    The major difference that I see is that you need to set the cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection.

    Hope this helps.

    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command


    On Error GoTo HandleErr

    DoCmd.Hourglass True

        'Create command

        Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

        With cmd

            .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

            .CommandText = "dbo.procIngredientLotNumberPut"

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@Ingredient", adVarChar, adParamInput, 25, gIngredientInfo.oIngredient)

            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@LotNumber", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, gIngredientInfo.oLotNumber)

            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@Supplier", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, gIngredientInfo.oSupplier)

            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@SupplierDoc", adVarChar, adParamInput, 10, gIngredientInfo.oSupplierDocument)

            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@ManufactureDate", adDate, adParamInput, , gIngredientInfo.oManufactureDate)

            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@UserId", adVarChar, adParamInput, 8, gUserData.oUserID)


            .Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@IngredientLotKey", adInteger, adParamOutput, , gIngredientInfo.oIngredientLotKey)


        End With


        If Not IsNull(cmd("@IngredientLotKey")) Then gIngredientInfo.oIngredientLotKey = cmd("@IngredientLotKey")


        'Destroy command object

        Set cmd = Nothing


        DoCmd.Hourglass False

        Exit Sub

    ' Error handling block added by Error Handler Add-In. DO NOT EDIT this block of code.


        Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description

        Resume ExitHere

    ' End Error handling block.

    End Sub


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • Carla, Thanks so much. I thought it was redundant to re-connect with an .adp file. Nevertheless, I got it to work with establishing connection, but I will tailor it to be more effecient as you suggested.

    This works but is overkill...

    Function AdoSpec()

    On Error GoTo FreeWilly

        Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

        Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

        Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

        Dim MyParams As Parameters

        Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

        Set cn = New ADODB.Connection


        cn.ConnectionString = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='OWS78002878791';" & _

            "Initial Catalog='24_File';Integrated Security='SSPI';"



       With MyCmd

             .CommandText = "spEVA_Export"

             .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

             Set MyParams = .Parameters

       End With

        MyParams.Append MyCmd.CreateParameter("EndDate", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, EndDate)

        MyParams.Append MyCmd.CreateParameter("Account1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, Account1)


        MyCmd.ActiveConnection = cn


        Set rs = MyCmd.Execute()

        Set MyCmd = Nothing

        Set MyParams = Nothing


     Exit Function

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