Running packages held in structured storage files

  • We're currently using DTS packages that we hold on the local server, however we run these on several sites and use structured storage files to transfer around as well as version control with VSS.  To simplify load-up on site I'm considering using structured storage to run the packages from as well.  Does anybody have opinions on whether this is a particularly good or bad thing to do and are there any major problems to consider.  

    All thoughts on this gratefully received.

  • I have done both.  They seem to work quite nicely either way.

    In a structured storage file, there are multiple versions of a package in a single storage file.  And there may be multiple logical packages in a single storage file.  I learned this recently at a job I finished recently.  I am considering using this feature to put multiple packages that are logically together.  Try doing that when you save to SQL Server.

    What also can happen (this happened to me).  I was editing a version that was in a SQL Server.  I got it fixed the way I liked it.  Then I saved it to the storage file to which it belonged (say, the package is MyPackage on Server1.  I saved it to MyPackage.dts).  The package already existed, I expect the file to delete and replace with my new version of MyPackage.  What it did was to create a new package in MyPackage.dts called MyPackage.  This was problematic since my dtsrun script identified the file and the package name.  dtsrun gave an error to the effect that it had no clue which MyPackage to use.

    Russ Loski, MCSD

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Well I'm getting the hang of this.  If you set a global variable to space and then use dynamic properties to set the version id to that then it will always run the latest version.  However,  do you know a way to dynamically set the filename in an execute package task?



  • This is rather fun and relatively easy to do:

    You need four tasks

    ActiveX to get the file list

    Dynamic Properties task (step called LoadPackageName to work with the code below)

    ActiveX script to get the next item in the list and to exit the loop

    These tasks must be linked using a work flow (I lean toward on success).

    I hope these will work for you.

    Russel Loski, MCSD


    ' Script to Loop through files base on the file list


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()


     dim fso

     dim oDict

     dim oFiles

     dim oFile

     dim sName

     dim sExt

     dim iExtPos

    ' **********************************************************

    ' **********************************************************

    ' You can build your list using stored procedures (I do that

    ' in another project) or even hard code the list.  Just put

    ' your list in the FileList global variable and set the other

    ' pointers.

    ' **********************************************************

     set fso = createobject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     set oDict = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")

     set oFiles = fso.GetFolder("\\MyServer\MyDrive\Jobs").Files

     for each oFile in oFiles

      sName = oFile.Name

      iExtPos = instr(sName, ".")

      if iExtPos > 0 then

       sExt = lcase(mid(sName, iExtPos + 1))

       if sExt = "dts" then

        if (mid(sName, 5, 1) = "2" and (mid(sName, 6,1) = "3" or mid(sName, 6, 1) = "4")) then

         if oFile.DateLastModified > cdate(DTSGlobalVariables("RunDate").Value) then

          oDict (sName) = oFile.Path

         end if

        end if

       end if

      end if



     DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value = 0

     DTSGlobalVariables("CountFiles").Value = oDict.Count

     DTSGlobalVariables("FileList").Value = oDict.Items

     set oFiles = nothing

     set fso = nothing

     set oDict = nothing 

     if DTSGlobalVariables("CountFiles").Value < 1 then


         ' This will force the execution to stop if you have a workflow

         ' based on success.

      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure  


      Dim iList

       iList = DTSGlobalVariables("FileList").Value

      DTSGlobalVariables("DTSPackage").Value =  iList( DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value)

      DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value + 1

      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

     end if

    End Function


    Dynamic Properties task (step called LoadPackageName)

    Run package task

    Active x script to restart the loop and go to the next item in the list

    ' DTS Restart the loop


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     if DTSGlobalVariables("CountFiles").Value > DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value  then


      Dim iList

       iList = DTSGlobalVariables("FileList").Value

      DTSGlobalVariables("AccessFile").Value =  iList( DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value)

      DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentRow").Value + 1



            ' The follow line starts the loop



      DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps("LoadPackageName").ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting


      set DTSGlobalVariables("FileList") = nothing

      DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps("Log_Completion").DisableStep = false

     end if

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • That's really great, but unfortunately not exactly what I'm after.  What I have is an execute package task.  The directory that the .dts file is held in is passed as a global variable and can change, the package name and .dts name should be the same so I need to set the filename of the task to <global variable> + package + '.dts'.  

    I'm just having real trouble getting my head around the object model to do this as I'm only a dabbler in the activeX area.



  • Actually your problem is a lot simpler than I made it.

    You need a second global variable.  You need one activex script, one dynamic properties task and of course the execute package task.

    In the active x script.

    DTSGlobalVariables("PackageFullPath").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("PackagePath").Value + DTSGlobalVariables("PackageName").Value + ".dts"

    In the dynamic properties task set the FileName property of the Execute properties task to the value in the PackageFullPath global variable and the PackageName to the value in the PackageName global variable.

    I hope this helps.


    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • I seem to have found the solution, not as difficult as your first solution but not as simple as the second.  I have several packages that are run from the first so each one needs setting. 

    Anyway this appears to work although I wonder if there may be a slightly more elegant solution.



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

          '***Get the package object for current package

                 set oPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

         '**** Search through tasks to find the ones that run packages

         '**** When the package name is found run the SetFile process to set the full file name          

     for each oTask in  oPackage.Tasks

        for each oproperty in

           if = "PackageName" then

                          PackageFullPath = DTSGlobalVariables("gvPackagePath").Value + oproperty.Value + ".dts"

                          setFile oTask, PackageFullPath

           End If



     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    sub SetFile (oTask, PackageFullPath)

    '** Set the FileName property to the full file name

       for each oproperty in oTask.Properties

           if = "FileName" then

               oproperty.value = PackageFullPath

           end if


    end sub

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