Running Insert Script

  • Hi

    I'm using an Insert Script inside a DTS Execute SQL Task, but it's running realy slow. I tried the same in Query Analyser and it's running as slow as in the DTS. When i say slow it's like 1 row each 2 seconds. I'm talking in a table with 7 or 8 fields.

    My insert instruction it's like "INSERT «TABLE_NAME» VALUES («VALUE1»,«VALUE2»,...).

    What should i do to make it run faster, some Hints would help?



  • I'd check what's going on behind the scenes on the server itself!  Is it just this particular insert statement which is running slow, or is it everything in general??


  • It sounds like you have something going on in the background and whatever you do in dts won't help a great deal.

    Have you got any complex triggers set on the table you are inserting into?

    That would slow things down a lot and they cannot be bypassed without disabling first.

    Put a trace on so you can see exactly what is happening.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Hi,

    I will try to explain whay my DTS is doing.

    I'm loading some files that have the DROP/ CREATE of a table and the insert script. I'm loading the Script of the file to an Execute SQL Task, as i have more then one file to load my DTS is looping until all my files are loaded.

    Some os the scripts are loading real fast, but some others are as i explained previously.

    Has i have told, i tried to run in query analyser and it needed almost the same time, but now it runnes has i will expect. But in DTS is still running very slowly!!I just don't understant why!?

    I don't have any triggers, no index, the tables doesn't have locks as i am droping and creating at that exact moment, what could be happening?

    Is there any other why of doing it?

    Thanks, Vítor

  • Sounds very mysterious.

    Could be something to do with dropping and recreating the tables.

    Perhaps truncating would help. Will definitley be quicker.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • But when i execute the script on query analyser, i'm dropping and creating the tables to!!!

    I don't understand why this differences. Another difference is that, in query analyser i can run the script With "GO"'s in the middle, but if i don't remove it from Execute SQL task, it returns an error!

  • I'm all out of ideas. If all your packages are runing slowly, I would think about a reinstallation on the client that you are running the package on.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • No, only this package is running slow, and not for all files... and i don't belive that's a client problem, because when i schedule a Job i got exactly the same problem.

    I Just can't find some other why to do this process. I have tried the "master.dbo.xp_cmdshell " command, but i guess i'm not passing him the right parameters (master.dbo.xp_cmdshell  "osql /E /d «db_name» /i «file_path»"), because he doesn't do anything!



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