Running Full Text Index service under seperate account

  • Hello,

    I have a SQL 2005 server where I am currently running each sql service under a sepearte domain account. For some reason if I run the sql full text service and the sql service under seperate accounts, i get the following error when trying to run a full text search:

    SQL server failed to communicate with Full-Text Service (msftesql). The system administrator must make sure that same service account is used for both services and the service account has the permission to auto start the full-text service.

    The only thing i could find on the web about it was this microsoft KB:  which appears to suggest that i need to run the full text service under the same account as the sql service, which is not ideal. I've tried giving the service explicit permissions to start/stop the full text service but it still won't start. Does anyone know of a workaround? Surely we can successfully run full text under it's own account? Thanks!

  • Yes you can either use the local systems account, domain account or in Win2003 network service account, it is different from 2000 when it runs under the Microsoft search service.  Run a search for Setting Up Windows Service Accounts in the BOL for details and a complete chart of all the info you need.  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks Gift - I know you can, the problem is that i get the error message posted above indicating that it will only work if you run it under the same account as the SQL Server Service. Does anyone out there run them under seperate accounts successfully?

  • Nevermind - it seems that the FTE domain account was not in both SQLServer2005MSFTEUser$%1$MSSQLSERVER AND SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$%1$MSSQLSERVER which it needs to be.

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