March 31, 2004 at 1:18 am
Hello Gurus,
I want to know the steps to execute an activex script through a job which will be called from a trigger.
I am having 2 tables ie.,
Msgid int,
Studid int,
Msgtype int,
Msgsub varchar(100)
MsgDtlid int,
Msgid int,
Sendto varchar(100),
Content text,
Status int
It is a sort of SMS messaging where the "Msgtype" = 2. The relation between these two tables is "Msgid" (one to many relation).
Now my requirement is to know how the avtivex script when run as a job which will be called in a trigger will execute. I have written a trigger "after insert" on the second table ie., tblMsgDtl as follows:
Create trigger SMS on dbo.tblMsgDtl
after insert
exec msdb..sp_start_job 'SMSActivex'
and the activex script "SMSActivex" is as follows:
Dim smsgateway,Cn,rsUsers,strSQL, strMsgIds
smsgateway = "" -- gateway address
Set Cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=<Servername>;Initial Catalog=<Database name>;User Id=<Username>;Password=<Password>;"
Set rsUsers= CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
strSQL = " " -- selecting the records where the "Msgtype" = 2 and "Status" = 0
rsUsers.Open strSQL, Cn, 3, 1
If rsUsers.RecordCount > 0 Then
Dim arMsgIds()
ReDim arMsgIds(rsUsers.RecordCount-1)
Dim strUsername, strPwd, strPriority, strData, strCellPhone
strUsername = " " -- username to connect to the gateway
strPwd = " " -- password
strPriority = "normal"
Dim xmlDOMDocument
Set xmlDOMDocument=CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
Set rootElement=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("itouchCMA")
xmlDOMDocument.appendChild rootElement
Set headerNode=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("auth")
rootElement.appendChild headerNode
Set user=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("name")
headerNode.appendChild user
Set password=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("password")
headerNode.appendChild password
Set headerNode1=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("message-submit")
rootElement.appendChild headerNode1
Set priority=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("priority")
headerNode1.appendChild priority
Set validity=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("validity")
headerNode1.appendChild validity
Set contenttype=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("content-type")
contenttype.Text = "text"
headerNode1.appendChild contenttype
Set message=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("message")
headerNode1.appendChild message
Set Data=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("data")
message.appendChild Data
Do Until rsUsers.EOF
Set cellphone=xmlDOMDocument.createElement("cellphone")
message.appendChild cellphone
strMsgIds=Join(arMSgIds, ",")
Dim xmlRequest
xmlRequest="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>" & xmlDOMDocument.xml
Set oHTTP=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST", smsgateway , False
oHTTP.Send xmlRequest
Dim xmlDOMDocumentr
Set xmlDOMDocumentr = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xmlDOMDocumentr.Load (oHTTP.responseText)
If Instr(1, oHTTP.responseText, "<user-message id=""snd-003"">") > 0 Then
Cn.Execute " " -- updating the status to 1 when it is successful.
Cn.Execute " " -- updating the status to 2 when it is unsuccessful.
End If
End If
Set rsUsers=Nothing
Set Cn=Nothing
Set xmlDOMDocument=Nothing
Set oHTTP=Nothing
If the activex script is executed individually, then the process is fine. If it is executed from a trigger by calling the job to start, then the following error message is being fired as follows:
SQLServerAgent Error: Request to run job SMSActivex (from User sa) refused because the job is already running from a request by User sa.
When i check it up in the enterprise manager->Server->Management->SQL Server Agent->Jobs->SMSActivex
the status is being shown as executing step 1
My System Configuration:
Operating System : Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP 4)
SQL Server: SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (SP 3)
March 31, 2004 at 8:10 am
The problem isn't that you're trying to execute the ActiveX script multiple times. The problem is your trigger is calling a SQL Agent job and only one instance of a job can run at a time. With a trigger you have the potential to fire off a request to start the job multiple times almost simultaneously and that's probably where you are running into trouble.
K. Brian Kelley
April 3, 2004 at 4:33 am
Hi Brian ,
Need ur help pls.
I m trying to find out a way to load XML from a file structure to SQLServer, and also need a functionality to create xml based on data in SQLServer.
There might be about 100 files to load and created daily
Do you think this can be accomplished by using stored procedures, or do you prefer doing it in .NET.
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