Running a New Query and it is Giving me an error that I cannot find in the data

  • Can someone help me debug this problem. It starts of running fine, but then it stops and gives the below message.  I have been unable to find any records in the database that look incorrect.  Is there any way to find out what record(s) is causing this problem.

    DECLARE @g geography;

    Select ParcelIDNumber, *, geography::STGeomFromText('POINT([TIGER Longitude] [TIGER Latitude])', 4326)

    FROM [dbo].[EPC_Parcel_Data] EPC JOIN GeocodedAddresses GA

    ON EPC.ParcelIDNumber = GA.[Record ID Number]

    Where EPC.ParcelIDNumber > 0 and [TIGER Longitude] > '' and [TIGER Latitude] > ''

    Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Line 143

    A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "geography":

    System.FormatException: 24141: A number is expected at position 12 of the input. The input has [TIGER.


    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.WellKnownTextReader.RecognizeDouble()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.WellKnownTextReader.ParsePointText(Boolean parseParentheses)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.WellKnownTextReader.ParseTaggedText(OpenGisType type)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.WellKnownTextReader.Read(OpenGisType type, Int32 srid)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.ParseText(OpenGisType type, SqlChars taggedText, Int32 srid)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography.GeographyFromText(OpenGisType type, SqlChars taggedText, Int32 srid)


    Completion time: 2024-03-27T13:12:20.9944615-06:00

  • I've not used geography:, but perhaps this post is a similar issue?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
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    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
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  • From ChatGPT:

    It seems like there's a formatting issue with your latitude and longitude values. The error message indicates that it's expecting a number but encountered something else at position 12 of the input. You should check the data in the columns [TIGER Longitude] and [TIGER Latitude] to ensure they contain valid numerical values. There might be records where these columns contain unexpected characters or are not properly formatted as numbers. You can try querying the data directly from the [dbo].[EPC_Parcel_Data] table and inspecting the values in those columns to identify any anomalies.

  • To calculate the points using column values would require to concatenate the string.  Afaik if there are bad values you could use TRY_CAST with the 'geography' data type

    with geo_cte(lat, long) as (
    select 10, 10 union all
    select 20, 20 union all
    select 30, 100000)
    select --geography::STGeomFromText(N'POINT(lat, long)', 4326) not_like_this,
    geography::STGeomFromText(concat(N'point(', lat, N' ', long, N')'), 4326) as point_geo
    from geo_cte
    where try_cast(concat(N'point(', lat, N' ', long, N')') as geography) is not null;


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  • Guys,

    Thanks so much for your replies that you sent, I found the problem with the formatting of the command to convert the lat/long to the geography data that I needed


    Select ParcelIDNumber, *, geography::STGeomFromText('POINT([TIGER Longitude] [TIGER Latitude])', 4326)


    Select ParcelIDNumber, *, geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(' + [TIGER Longitude] + ' ' + [TIGER Latitude] + ')', 4326)

    Hope that this helps the next person that has this problem.


  • Thanks for posting your discovery, Mark.

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