Run SP from Access 2000 vba

  • Hi

    I'm sure this is easy, but it is new to me. 

    I want to pass a variable to a stored procedure from Access.  The sp is something like:

    CREATE PROCEDURE ProcedureName (@Variable varchar(20))



      SELECT Field1, Field2

      FROM Table2

      WHERE Field1 = @Variable


    In Access, I want the content of a field to provide the value of the variable executed on SQL Server 2000.  I have the connection string and I can execute the sp fine.  I just don't know the syntax to pass the variable.


    Can anybody please help


  • hi paul,

    try this code

    dim sql as string

        sql = "{call ProcedureName(?)}"

        Set qdf = SQLLink.CreateQueryDef("", sql)

        With qdf

            .Parameters("@Variable") = TxtVariable



        End With

    where Procedure name is the stored procedure and TxtVariable is the value to pass and SQLLink is connecting database to SQL. qdf is query defenition


  • Here is another option using ADO

    Dim cnn AS ADODB.Connection

    Dim cmd as ADODB.Command

    cnn.ConnectionString =""

    with cmd

         .ActiveConnection = cnn

         .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

         .CommandText = "ProcedureName"

         'Issue a refresh to get the named parameters


         .Parameters("@Variable") = txtVariable


    End With

  • Thanks to both of you. 

    Excellent solutions.  I found the ADO worked best for me for this particular problem and can now do what I needed to do.

    This is much appreciated.

    Many thanks again,


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