RS Installation Conflict?

  • Win 2003 Server IIS 6.0 dedicated internet server with only a single


    The basic IIS tree is as follows:



            |-bin folder

            |-a few web app folders

            |-a few .htm files

            |-a few .aspx files




    There is an ssl certificate issued to the site (let's call it

    It has been up an running for several months.

    I am utilizing an http handler to automatically switch between http and

    https for the various pages of the site.

    Reporting Services (SP2) was recently installed so I could create some


    This resulted in the above tree.

    When I try to access the report server, I receive the following exception,

    referring to the handler:

    System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type

    System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,

    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 failed.

    I have rebuilt (and redeployed) the dll for the handler, signing it and

    adding a section to the rsmgrpolicy.config and rssrvpolicy.config to grant

    fulltrust to the dll.

    Still, I receive the same exception.

    If I rename the web.config file for the app (effectively disabling it), I

    can access RS and deploy reports to it, so I know RS does function.

    I am guessing that if I move the web app down one level to make it a subweb

    of the main site, it would work. However, I am not sure if that is the

    correct approach.

    I would think this configuration would not be unusual.

    Can anyone tell me how to get RS to work in harmony with the web app?


  • It could be related to the http handler.

    Check out these kb articles

    I hope this is of some help to you.

  • Thanks for the reply Michael.

    I had seen the first article and had the host apply it, which did not help.

    That is what made me think to sign my http handler dll and add the trust section to the rs config files.

    The second article does not really seem to apply.

    I would still like to know if the location of RS to the site app in IIS is correct.

  • I had written a beautiful answer for you, and lost it when I went to post, so I was a little frustrated.

    In a nutshell, you need to have websites for Reports and ReportServer, configured as applications. If you simply use directories or virtual directories, you will get unexpected results because asp may use the web.config from the parent directory.

    Typically, ReportingService installs like this:

    machine\root              C:\inetpub\wwwroot

    machine\Reports         C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportManager

    machine\ReportServer  C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer

    If you are using simply

    machine\Reports         C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reports will use the parent web.config (from which is probably causing the conflicts (especially with authentication and debugging etc.). I have RS installed and working just like you requested so I am confident that it works. Interestingly, when config files are conflicting they may indicate security problem, but before you give away full trust, you will find that a </clear> or other modifcation to the web.config will fix the problem.

    I hope this makes sense now.

    P.S.: I had to cut & copy & edit this message 7 times due to site errors. This is not fun. 


  • Thanks for the response Dwayne, especially with the problems you had. I had trouble just getting to this forum today.

    I had the host check and both reports and reportserver are configured as applications in IIS and their physical locations are correct.

    I don't quite follow what the fix should be. Are you saying that I should go with my initial idea of moving my web app down one level to make it a sub-web so IIS does not try to use it when accessing reporting services?

    Or, are you saying that Reporting Services should be installed as a separate website on the same level as Does RS installation even have that option? Would the SSL certificate still cover RS?


  • The easiest solution is to put your app on the same level as Reporting Services and keep the web.config(s) separate. 







    If you need to have your app in the root, then you'll have to determine the configuration conflicts between your app and adjust the child web.config(s) for the desired settings.








    Since inherits configuration from the requesting url not the physical path, YourServer/Reports will use a combination of (a) & (b) & (c) which is probably causing your problem.

    As for SSL, here's a great article:

    Let me know how you make out.

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