Rows to Column Names

  • I am struggling on this issue and was hoping if anyone out there can

    help me.

    Here is the setup: I have a table with the following data:

    TableName: TranDetail

    MerchID ItemName Price


    101 A 5

    101 B 3.5

    101 C 0

    102 B 7.6

    102 C 4

    102 E 65

    102 G 4

    103 K 35

    Table Design

    MerchID int

    ItemName varchar(50)

    Price float

    What I would like is a report that looks like this

    MerchID A B C E G K

    101 5 3.5 0

    102 7.6 4 65 4

    103 35

    This report can change on every run depending on data in table

    TranDetail. The column name in report depends on ItemName in table

    TranDetail. As seen in the above report, there is no data for Items D,

    F, H, I, J and hence they do not show up in the report.

    What I need: Code for a stored procedure that can get me this data.

    Thanks for your help...

    DBA in despair!

  • I imagine there is a better way to make a pivot table, but this will work.  Hopefully, one of the smarter folks on this site will give you a more elegant answer.   

    NOTE: I used a #TempTable, so I could simply delete my records as I went along.  You may need to handle this a different way.  Since I did not see any Primary Key in your description, I could not use that....



    CREATE TABLE #TranDetail( MerchID integer,

                                                ItemName varchar(50),

                                                Price float)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 101, 'A', 5)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 101, 'B', 3.5)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 101, 'C', 0)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 102, 'B', 7.6)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 102, 'C', 4)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 102, 'E', 65)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 102, 'G', 4)

    INSERT INTO #TranDetail VALUES( 103, 'K', 35)


    DECLARE @SQL varchar(200),

                    @MerchID int,

                    @LastMerchID int,

                    @MinItemNames varchar(50),

                    @MaxItemNames varchar(50),

                    @ItemNames varchar(50),

                    @Prices float

    SELECT @MerchID = (SELECT MIN( MerchID) FROM #TranDetail)

    SELECT @LastMerchID = (SELECT MAX( MerchID) FROM #TranDetail)


    CREATE TABLE #OutPut( MerchID int)



    CREATE TABLE #ItemNames( ItemName varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO #ItemNames( ItemName) SELECT DISTINCT ItemName FROM #TranDetail

    SELECT @MinItemNames = (SELECT MIN( ItemName) FROM #ItemNames)

    SELECT @MaxItemNames = (SELECT MAX( ItemName) FROM #ItemNames)

    WHILE @MinItemNames <= @MaxItemNames


                SELECT @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE #OutPut ADD ' + CONVERT( varchar, @MinItemNames) + ' float NULL'

                EXEC( @SQL)

                DELETE #ItemNames WHERE ItemName = @MinItemNames

                SELECT @MinItemNames = (SELECT MIN( ItemName) FROM #ItemNames)



    WHILE @MerchID <= @LastMerchID


                SELECT @ItemNames = (SELECT TOP 1 ItemName FROM #TranDetail WHERE MerchID = @MerchID)

                SELECT @Prices = (SELECT Price FROM #TranDetail WHERE MerchID = @MerchID AND ItemName = @ItemNames)

                SELECT @SQL = 'UPDATE #OutPut SET  ' + RTRIM( LTRIM( @ItemNames)) + ' =' + CONVERT( varchar, @Prices) + ' WHERE MerchID = ' + CONVERT( varchar, @MerchID)

                EXEC( @SQL)

                DELETE #TranDetail

                WHERE MerchID = @MerchID

                     AND ItemName = @ItemNames

                     AND Price = @Prices

                SELECT @MerchID = (SELECT MIN( MerchID) FROM #TranDetail)


    DROP TABLE #TranDetail

    DROP TABLE #ItemNames

    SELECT * FROM #OutPut

    DROP TABLE #OutPut

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks for Your reply,

    A few issues though:

    1: There are more than 150 item names in the real database and each run can have any number of items selected from 1 to 150 (dynamic list).

    2: This is an automated report that runs on a monthly basis so there is no

    front end to it. I was hoping to run the SP from a dotnet app and then

    export the data to excel and email results. We may also decide to

    display the results on a webpage too - so fast execution of the SP is

    critical also.

    How can I have it so that it

  • Sorry, I was gone for a while. 

    Your number list does not sound too large to need a cursor.  I would see how the loop works. 


    Change these to permenant tables and TRUNCATE them at the head of this code...  That will not log the values, so it should not increase the time substantially. 

    Mess with it..., see what you can make work...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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