Row inserts for groups of rows (Totals for groups of like data).

  • I want to group data like all invoices from a supplier which is easy enough but when selecting multiple suppliers, I want to have an additional row in between the grouped suppliers with the total of a column lets say total of all the invoices. Easy to do in excel but I want to have it done prior to excel so the Executives don't have to manually do it when they export the data to excel. Is this possible using TSQL?

  • Yes.  Use GROUPING SETS.  If you want a more complete answer, post sample data and expected results as outlined in the first link in my signature.

    This would be much easier in a report tool such as SSRS.  Have you considered that?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Tuesday, January 2, 2018 1:25 PM

    Yes.  Use GROUPING SETS.  If you want a more complete answer, post sample data and expected results as outlined in the first link in my signature.

    This would be much easier in a report tool such as SSRS.  Have you considered that?


    It will be on a SSRS server in the end, but how the program works is when they export to excel, it uses the stored procedure to gather the data.

    I looked up the Grouping sets and it appears you are correct, Never knew about them. Thanks. I will see if I can get it to work.

  • drew.allen - Tuesday, January 2, 2018 1:25 PM

    Yes.  Use GROUPING SETS.  If you want a more complete answer, post sample data and expected results as outlined in the first link in my signature.

    This would be much easier in a report tool such as SSRS.  Have you considered that?


    OK, I am not getting the results so I will post some data.

    The end result should look similar to:
    fvendno fcompany POItem PORelsDate........TotStdCost
    001275 B&R Industried.............................. 1.00
    001275 B&R Industried.............................. 1.00 (total Row)
    002119 Roberson Tool................................ 2.00
    002119 Roberson Tool................................ 3.00
    002119 Roberson Tool................................ 5.00 (total Row)
    002302 Unique Automation.......................... 4.00 ( and so on).

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it
      IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
       DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with
    Create table #mytable(
        fvendno char(6),
        fcompany char(50),
        POItemKey char(12),
        PORelsdate datetime,
        totstdcost numeric(15,4),

    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column
        Set Identity_Insert #mytable ON
    --===== Insert the test data into the test table
        Insert into #mytable (fvendno, fcompany, POitemKey, PORelsDate, totstdcost, ID)
        Select '000027', 'Albany Steel', '123456 1', Cast('01/01/2018' as datetime), 1.00, 1 Union all
        Select '000027', 'Albany Steel', '123459 1', Cast('01/01/2018' as datetime), 2.00, 2 Union all
        Select '000060', 'Apple Rubber', '123455 1', Cast('01/01/2018' as datetime), 3.00, 3 Union all
        Select '000060', 'Apple Rubber', '123467 1', Cast('01/01/2018' as datetime), 4.00, 4 Union all
        Select '000080', 'Century Spring', '189456 1', Cast('01/01/2018' as datetime), 5.00, 5 Union all
        Select '000127', 'Everett Manufacturing', '223456 1', Cast('01/01/2018' as datetime), 6.00, 6

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal
        Set Identity_Insert #mytable OFF

        Select * from #mytable

  • One way to approach this is to create the required detail and group levels individually, then union together and "order by" to get the results.  Using CTEs keeps the individual sets simple and readable.

     WITH totals (vendno, company, sumtotstdcost, myLevel) -- First get subtotals
     AS ( SELECT fvendno
               , fcompany
               , SUM(totstdcost), 'subtotal'
          FROM #mytable
          GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany
    , myUNION -- then union detail, subtotal, and report totals rows
    AS ( SELECT fvendno
              , fcompany
              , POitemKey
              , CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), PORelsDate) as PORelsDate
              , totstdcost, ID
              , 'detail' as myLevel
         FROM #mytable      UNION ALL
         SELECT vendno
              , company
              , 'Subtotal'
              , ''
              , sumtotstdcost
              , 0
              , myLevel
         FROM totals

         UNION ALL
         SELECT 'Report Total'
              , ''
              , ''
              , ''
              , SUM(totstdcost)
              , 0
              , 'zReportTotal'
         FROM #mytable


    -- select from union and order by to get the desired order
    SELECT fvendno
         , fcompany
         , POitemKey
         , PORelsDate
         , totstdcost
    ORDER BY fvendno
           , myLevel
           , ID

  • SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

  • bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:57 AM

    drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

    Drew, Thanks, This is awesome!!!

  • bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:19 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:57 AM

    drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

    Drew, Thanks, This is awesome!!!

    Is there a way to get the whole total at the end?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • subramaniam.chandrasekar - Monday, January 8, 2018 10:47 PM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:23 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:19 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:57 AM

    drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

    Drew, Thanks, This is awesome!!!

    Is there a way to get the whole total at the end?

    Please use GROUP BY Lookup / CUBE for your requirements.

    I'd found these in SQL Server Central forum before,

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY ROLLUP (department,gender)

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY CUBE (department,gender)

    I prefer the GROUPING SETS, because it gives you much finer control over what subtotals are produced.  For instance, here it sounds like the OP wants three levels of totals: detail, subtotal by company, and grand total.  The GROUPING SETS will produce exactly the three that he wants, ROLLUP would produce five levels of totals, and CUBE would produce 16(?).

    I had already amended my previous post to show how to get a grand total using GROUPING SETS.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8:14 AM

    subramaniam.chandrasekar - Monday, January 8, 2018 10:47 PM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:23 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:19 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:57 AM

    drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

    Drew, Thanks, This is awesome!!!

    Is there a way to get the whole total at the end?

    Please use GROUP BY Lookup / CUBE for your requirements.

    I'd found these in SQL Server Central forum before,

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY ROLLUP (department,gender)

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY CUBE (department,gender)

    I prefer the GROUPING SETS, because it gives you much finer control over what subtotals are produced.  For instance, here it sounds like the OP wants three levels of totals: detail, subtotal by company, and grand total.  The GROUPING SETS will produce exactly the three that he wants, ROLLUP would produce five levels of totals, and CUBE would produce 16(?).

    I had already amended my previous post to show how to get a grand total using GROUPING SETS.


    I was out sick a few days.  I will try to look at this in a day or so. I must have missed the grand total but will review. Thanks.

  • bswhipp - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 12:12 PM

    drew.allen - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8:14 AM

    subramaniam.chandrasekar - Monday, January 8, 2018 10:47 PM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:23 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:19 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:57 AM

    drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

    Drew, Thanks, This is awesome!!!

    Is there a way to get the whole total at the end?

    Please use GROUP BY Lookup / CUBE for your requirements.

    I'd found these in SQL Server Central forum before,

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY ROLLUP (department,gender)

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY CUBE (department,gender)

    I prefer the GROUPING SETS, because it gives you much finer control over what subtotals are produced.  For instance, here it sounds like the OP wants three levels of totals: detail, subtotal by company, and grand total.  The GROUPING SETS will produce exactly the three that he wants, ROLLUP would produce five levels of totals, and CUBE would produce 16(?).

    I had already amended my previous post to show how to get a grand total using GROUPING SETS.


    I was out sick a few days.  I will try to look at this in a day or so. I must have missed the grand total but will review. Thanks.

    AHHHHHH  I missed the () at the end. I put it in but did it incorrectly Thank you!!!!!

  • bswhipp - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 9:13 AM

    bswhipp - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 12:12 PM

    drew.allen - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8:14 AM

    subramaniam.chandrasekar - Monday, January 8, 2018 10:47 PM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:23 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:19 AM

    bswhipp - Thursday, January 4, 2018 5:57 AM

    drew.allen - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 9:06 AM

    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY fvendno, fcompany, GROUPING SETS( (POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), () )

    This only requires 1 scan, and 2 logical reads whereas the UNION approach requires 3 scans and 6 logical reads (2/4 if you exclude the Grand Total).

    If you want to add a grand total, you can use the following grouping sets.
    SELECT fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, SUM(totstdcost) AS TotStdCost, GROUPING(fvendno)
    FROM #mytable
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS( (fvendno, fcompany, POItemKey, PORelsdate, ID), (fvendno, fcompany), () )


    Edited:  Added the query for a grand total.

    Can't wait to try it. Hope to get to it today. Thank you in advance.

    Drew, Thanks, This is awesome!!!

    Is there a way to get the whole total at the end?

    Please use GROUP BY Lookup / CUBE for your requirements.

    I'd found these in SQL Server Central forum before,

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY ROLLUP (department,gender)

    SELECT coalesce (department, 'All Departments') AS Department,

    coalesce (gender,'All Genders') AS Gender,

    sum(salary) as Salary_Sum

    FROM employee

    GROUP BY CUBE (department,gender)

    I prefer the GROUPING SETS, because it gives you much finer control over what subtotals are produced.  For instance, here it sounds like the OP wants three levels of totals: detail, subtotal by company, and grand total.  The GROUPING SETS will produce exactly the three that he wants, ROLLUP would produce five levels of totals, and CUBE would produce 16(?).

    I had already amended my previous post to show how to get a grand total using GROUPING SETS.


    I was out sick a few days.  I will try to look at this in a day or so. I must have missed the grand total but will review. Thanks.

    AHHHHHH  I missed the () at the end. I put it in but did it incorrectly Thank you!!!!!

    Drew, One other question Is there a way in the code to change the null values to blanks or space(1)?

  • bswhipp - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 11:25 AM

    Drew, One other question Is there a way in the code to change the null values to blanks or space(1)?

    There are two potential sources for NULL values: the underlying data and NULLs from columns not involved in the current grouping level.  You usually want to be able to distinguish between the two.  There is a function that can be used to distinguish these.  It gives an example of the situation that I'm referring to: GROUPING.  You'll want to use that in conjunction with a CASE expression.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

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