January 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm
I have a lot of reports to migrate from Crystal Reports to SSRS. I know there will be differences int he product. But the fundamental parts of a report should be available in both products.
But Groups and Group Headers???!!
Crystal Reports has horizontal sections which cause data to repeat on each page without having to show the column that group header is based on.
page header -
group header - repeats on each page
group based on location
detail records
Employee Store Location Hire Date
This results in a great report as follows:
Location Report
Employee Store Hire Date
**** Chicago (repeats on every page)
John S. Desert Store 1/1/08
Susan F. Kitchen Ware 12/3/07
***** New York
Eddie F. Maintenance 6/6/09
Now I need to migrate the above report to SSRS.
1) I have put a table on the report.
2) I've added a row group on location
3) I've hidden the row group column to hide the location field from appearing to make the report look like a pivot table.
4) But I still need a "group header" row above the detail records that prints on each page as in the above example.
I hope I haven't insulted anyone by the way I've posed the question. I've tried to be clear on my intent.
If anyone has some suggestions, I would deeply appreciate it. I have a lot of reports to migrate. What are the proper steps to create the above sample report? What I have done so far is not working.
1) It looks great on the first page, but doesn't repeat.
2) I've checked the row group properties to repeat on each page.
3) But if I hide the row group column that seems to mess everything up.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
(Lord, I haven't even gotten to the count summary expressions to count records in a group!! One thing at a time.)
Things will work out. Get back up, change some parameters and recode.
January 27, 2011 at 4:11 am
Well, I ran the wizard. It produced the exact report that I was trying to create.
I then found some blogs on how to create a stepped layout rather than SSRS' usual blocked layout.
That was the trick. I've got it working perfectly now. I've got group rows, summarization expressions, etc. Excellent. I even found a microsoft site for those migrating from Crystal Reports to SSRS.
Things will work out. Get back up, change some parameters and recode.
January 27, 2011 at 11:21 am
For Crystal Reports to migrate to Reporting Services, you may try Crystal Migration Services. It can greatly reduce your conversion overheads.
January 27, 2011 at 2:06 pm
Wow!! Thanks. And it says after I register, it is still free....
Now that is a help! If I can convert one, then I can use it as a template and also learn from the layout.
Thanks again.
Things will work out. Get back up, change some parameters and recode.
January 11, 2012 at 9:43 am
Can you please let me know the exact process , how you are able to achieve that.
I have the same problem as yours and I am not able to get the desired result using report wizard.
It would be of real help for me if you can explain the process step by step.
Thanks in advance.
January 18, 2012 at 1:58 pm
Crystal Migration Services can help you to convert your Crystal Reports to SSRS. Here is the site.
Try this service and compare it with rpttordl, crystalconversions, and then you can make the right decision on which solution is best for you.
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