Round to nearest million in bar chart vertical axis

  • Hello:

    I have a bar chart whose vertical axis displays revenue dollars. I have custom min and max values for the axis's range. When the chart displays, it shows labels by the tick marks on the vertical axis with numbers like this:





    How can I get the labels to round up to the nearest million? So it would display like this:






  • does setting the interval to 1000000 work?

  • Hi, Bulbanos:

    Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, I tried setting the interval to 10 million (setting it to 1 million results in too many tick marks since the total is so large), but that just gives me the non-rounded numbers in increments of 10 million, e.g.,





    Any other ideas?

  • I'm not a 100% sure but I think the LabelIntervalOffset property on the y-axis is what you're looking for.

    It seems like for some reason you have 662,405 as starting point? Add -662,405 as value to LabelIntervalOffset and tell me how it looks like.

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