rotate keys for PCI Compliance

  • Good day,

    I'm curious how some of you handle the rotation of your encryption keys for PCI Compliance.

    I've got about 20 databases across 3 servers (2005 and 2008) using encryption. Each database has maybe 2-3 tables using encryption, with each table encrypting maybe 2-3 columns. I followed standard advice of Database Master Key encrypting a Certificate which encrypts a Symmetric Key which encrypts the data. The keys are different for each database.

    The thought of manually decrypting the data, then re-encrypting it, and managing the keys is not appealing. There's massive room for error doing this many tables manually. One misplacement of a key or some other unforeseen mistake and I render my data unusable.

    Do you roll your own solution or can anyone recommend a 3rd party tool (that doesn't break the bank of a smaller company)? I'll take any thoughts on the matter.


  • Hi there henry,

    I know this post is quite old, however it would be interesting to find out if you have found a solution?


    | If in Doubt...don't do it!! |

  • No, I never found a good solution for rotating keys. I've scoured the intertubes and can barely find any discussion of how folks handle it. This leads me to one of 2 conclusions: One, folks don't want to discuss it publicly for security reasons. Two, folks are not rotating their keys.

    If you come across anything good, please post or send me a PM. Thanks!

  • I PM'ed you

    | If in Doubt...don't do it!! |

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