Rollup select statement problem

  • I have a select statement that I can't get to work right.


    case grouping(substring(permitnumb, 1, 3))

    when 0 then case substring(permitnumb, 1, 3)

    when 'K-7' then '2007'

    when 'K-8' then '2008'

    when 'K-9' then '2009'

    when 'K9-' then '2009'

    when 'K0-' then '2010'


    when 1 then 'Grand Total'

    end as Year,

    sum(acres) as Acres

    from timberpermits

    group by substring(permitnumb, 1, 3)

    with rollup;

    Here is the result I get:

    Year Acres






    Grand Total13478.71466253

    2009 has 2 different formats in the table I am summerizing for permitnumb in the table and I would like to be able to get them lumped together. The first 3 characters in permitnumb show what year they are from.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Please provide table definitions and sample data so we don't have to guess about those things.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Here's an example with some trivial test data:

    create table #timberpermits (permitnumb char(3), Acres float)

    insert into #timberpermits

    select 'K-7', 4082.43477183 union all

    select 'K-8', 3247.35429133 union all

    select 'K-9', 2190.63280009 union all

    select 'K9-', 1575.83025560 union all

    select 'K0-', 2382.46254368

    select Year, sum(Acres) as Acres

    from (


    case grouping(substring(permitnumb, 1, 3))

    when 0 then case

    when substring(permitnumb, 1, 3) = 'K-7' then '2007'

    when substring(permitnumb, 1, 3) = 'K-8' then '2008'

    when substring(permitnumb, 1, 3) in ('K-9', 'K9-') then '2009'

    when substring(permitnumb, 1, 3) = 'K0-' then '2010'


    when 1 then 'Grand Total'

    end as Year,

    sum(acres) as Acres

    from #timberpermits

    group by substring(permitnumb, 1, 3)

    with rollup

    ) x

    group by Year

    drop table #timberpermits

    - Jeff

  • Thanks guys that worked great! I was just in the middle of getting the data when I got the second email. Should have included in the first place. Thanks


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