Rolling up row values from a retrieved subset into a single string

  • Hi all,

    I have a simple query which returns all the names of products attached to a particular order.

    select a.orderid, b.product_name
    from orders a, order_items b
    where a.orderid = b.orderid

    Say it returns this data: (sorry about the formatting!)

    orderid product_name

    ===== =========

    001234 Sweater (Black)

    001234 Trousers (Large)

    001234 T-Shirt (Pink)

    What I want to do is, instead of getting 3 rows back, I want to roll up all matching values (of product_name) from the order_items table into a simple string seperated by a comma. So, for the data above I would get a single row with the orderid and a string containing something like this: "Sweater (Black), Trousers (Large), T-Shirt (pink)".

    I'm sure there's an easy way to do this in SQL Server 2000 but I've not been able to work out how to do this and I couldn't see anytihng in SQL Books Online..

    TIA for any help...


  • For single result, you could try something like this,

    declare @res varchar(50)

    set @res=''

    select @res=@res+product_name + ', ' from order_item

    where orderid = '001234'

    select @res

    If you need for eatch orderid, develop a function based on top by passing

    in orderid.

    Syntax are not checked.


  • Here's one solution using a user_defined function.  You may need to check it for syntax, but I think it'll be right.  I also have one that doesn't use a user-defined function, so let me know if you want that one instead, but this one is simpler.


    dbo.StringConcat(@userID int, @fieldID int)




    DECLARE @String VARCHAR(255)

    SELECT @String = @String + b.product_name + ', '

    from orders a, order_items b

    where a.orderid = b.orderid

    WHERE a.orderid = @orderID

    RETURN @String


    And here’s the call of it:

    SELECT a.orderidid, dbo.StringConcat(a.orderid) as newtext

    from orders a, order_items b

    where a.orderid = b.orderid

    GROUP BY a.orderid

  • Also consider if the presenation will be handled in an application it may be simpler to put the logic in the application for the rollup than in sql.

  • Thanks, Optimist 🙂 your solution was something that didn't occur to me, and is very helpful! I was looking for that right now, because I wanted to avoid the use of cursors in a very similar situation.

    It works fine, and there is just one little thing that needs to be corrected in your SQL, and that is initial setting of @String to empty (instead of NULL): SELECT @String = ''. I'm not sure what the @fieldID parameter is for - I didn't use it and tested the function without it.

    Thanks again!

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