right trim

  • hi

    I want to right trim from a certain point

    can I use a rtrim with a substring

    SUBSTRING (TaxLotDescription,1,3)

    or whats the best way to do it

  • ronan.healy (8/27/2014)


    I want to right trim from a certain point

    can I use a rtrim with a substring

    SUBSTRING (TaxLotDescription,1,3)

    or whats the best way to do it

    Left(Col1,[Number of chars to keep])

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • chars might not be the same length. should have stated that sorry but they will be going right

  • So you want to trim from a certain point, and that point varies from one string to the next? Tough.

    Can you describe the requirement more clearly please? Some examples would help.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • this is a sample from a column BNY Mellon - 07/01/2014

    so all the columns will always have that date format and I want to text the text after the date

  • ronan.healy (8/27/2014)

    this is a sample from a column BNY Mellon - 07/01/2014

    so all the columns will always have that date format and I want to text the text after the date

    No idea what you mean by 'text the text'.

    Nor can I see anything 'after the date'.

    If you just want the right 10 characters, use the RIGHT function.

    If there are unwanted trailing spaces in your source, use RTRIM() too


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • sorry I ment the text before the date.

    that's the text I want to take

    so its like this now BNY Mellon - 07/01/2014

    and I want it like this BNY Mellon

  • LEFT or SUBSTRING with a starting position of 1 are fine.

    Investigate using the CHARINDEX or PATINDEX functions to find the point at which you want to cut off the string, e.g.

    LEFT(ColumnName, PAT/CHARINDEX(Params))

    SUBSTRING(ColumnName, 1, PAT/CHARINDEX(Params))

    Without knowing the rules you're using to determine where to trim the string it's difficult to be more specific.


  • ronan.healy (8/27/2014)

    sorry I ment the text before the date.

    that's the text I want to take

    so its like this now BNY Mellon - 07/01/2014

    and I want it like this BNY Mellon

    DECLARE @MyString VARCHAR(200) = 'BNY Mellon - 07/01/2014'

    SELECT LEFT(@MyString, LEN(@MyString)-LEN(' - 07/01/2014'))

    SELECT LEFT(@MyString, LEN(@MyString)-13)

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