REVISITED: select rows where values appear consecutively

  • I received some great suggestions, but didn't get quite what I wanted mainly because I didn't provide enough info.

    Here's what I'm looking for

    Ok, here's the way things are laid out in my table. I hope this makes sense. What I'm looking to get is to obtain the Student ID of each student who have a 'FAIL' in one of the 'Status' category consecutively 2 years in a row. So the script would pull StudentID 1 because they failed the Status3 category 2 consecutive years (not semesters) in a row. So the person would have to have a 'FAIL' status in Semesters 1 and 2 for two consecutive years in a row of a specific category.

    StudentID 1 would be a valid result because they failed in Status3 in years 2012 and 2011

    StudentID 2 would be a valid result because they failed in Status2 in years 2012 and 2011

    Here's my table

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[StudStat] Script Date: 10/14/2012 21:06:26 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StudStat](

    [StudentID] [int] NULL,

    [Year] [int] NULL,

    [Semester] [int] NULL,

    [Status1] [char](10) NULL,

    [Status2] [char](10) NULL,

    [Status3] [char](10) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[StudStat] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Table_1_Status10] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Status1]


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[StudStat] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_StudStat_Status2] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Status2]


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[StudStat] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_StudStat_Status3] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Status3]



    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 1, 2011, 1, 'FAIL', 'FAIL', 'FAIL' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 1, 2011, 2, 'PASS', 'PASS', 'FAIL' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 1, 2012, 1, 'PASS','PASS', 'FAIL' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 1, 2012, 2, 'FAIL', 'PASS', 'FAIL' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 1, 2010, 1, 'PASS', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 1, 2010, 2, 'FAIL', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 2, 2012, 1, 'FAIL', 'FAIL', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 2, 2012, 2, 'PASS', 'FAIL', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 2, 2011, 1, 'PASS','FAIL', 'FAIL' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 2, 2011, 2, 'FAIL', 'FAIL', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 2, 2010, 1, 'PASS', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 2, 2010, 2, 'FAIL', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 3, 2010, 1, 'PASS', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 3, 2010, 2, 'PASS', 'FAIL', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 3, 2011, 1, 'PASS','PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 3, 2011, 2, 'PASS', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 3, 2012, 1, 'FAIL', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

    insert into StudStat (StudentID, Year, Semester, Status1, Status2, Status3)

    values ( 3, 2012, 2, 'PASS', 'PASS', 'PASS' );

  • Try it this way:

    with bob as (

    select studentid, year, semester,

    'Status1' StatName,

    status1 as StatValue

    from studstat


    select studentid, year, semester,

    'Status2' StatName,

    status2 as StatValue

    from studstat


    select studentid, year, semester,

    'Status3' StatName,

    status3 as StatValue

    from studstat),

    joe as (

    select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by studentID,StatName order by year, semester) RN,

    * from Bob)

    select joe1.studentID,joe1.StatName, joe1.year, joe1.semester ,joe1.RN

    from joe as joe1

    where exists

    (select null from joe j2

    where j2.StatValue='FAIL'

    and j2.rn between joe1.RN and joe1.RN+3

    and joe1.studentID=j2.studentid

    and joe1.StatName=j2.StatName

    group by j2.studentID,j2.StatName having count(*)=4)

    I unpivoted the data first so that we don't have to run the criteria multiple times. The data returns which status failed 4 times in a row, and what year+semester the first failure occurred in.

    This may not scale particularly well due to the self-joining.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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