Reusing calculated columns

  • I am quite new to this so forgive me if this is a simple question.

    I am currently converting a database from access to sql server, in rewriting one of the queries I wish to use a calculated column again, is this at all possible.

    For example

    select [Due Date] - [+31b] as prodweekend, fn_somefunction(prodweekend) from [order details]

    It will say prodweekend is an invalid column, is there anyway at all around this?


  • Robert - your prodweekend is an alias...use the actual column names in your function - something like this...

    select [Due Date] - [+31b] as prodweekend, fn_somefunction([Due Date] - [+31b]) as calcColumn from [order details]

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Or, to avoid replicating the expression (which is a potential cause of code maintenance issues down the road), use a derived table ...

    SELECT prodweekend, fn_somefunction(prodweekend) as calccolumn



      SELECT [Due Date] - [+31b] as prodweekend

      FROM [order details]

    ) dt


  • I have a string of 12 columns, each derived using the expression calculated in the last. Decided a trigger on insert will be the best way forward????

  • Is there some reason not to use actual computed columns, instead of calculating in the select statement?

  • Or use an SP instead of a trigger


    * Noel

  • Can't use computed columns as you can compute one column but then you can't derive another computed column from another computed column.

    Wrote a trigger which if it worked would be excellent but it doesn't quite. (It is posted in the post titled trigger help)

    If I were to use a stored procedure would I have to use a cursor to traverse my table?

  • Can't use computed columns as you can compute one column but then you can't derive another computed column from another computed column.

    Wrote a trigger which if it worked would be excellent but it doesn't quite. (It is posted in the post titled trigger help)

    If I were to use a stored procedure would I have to use a cursor to traverse my table?

  • You can always do this

    alter table a

    add cc1 as a * b

    cc2 as a * b + c


    Assuming that the formulas aren't too complex and that you won't have to update them down the road it shouldn't be a problem.

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