Reuse calculated AS fields in other fields

  • This has been a ongoing gripe of mine that until now I have been able to get around. The problem is not being able to reference calculated fields in other fields. Eg./

    SELECT 1+2 as Three, Three+3 AS Six

    Is there way to get the above to work? (The issue being the second field has no knowledge of what Three is.)

  • You may use derived tables:

    SELECT Three, Three+3 AS Six

    FROM (

    SELECT 1+2 as Three

    ) DT

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Paul:

    The "short" answer to your question is that MS SQL Server does not presently support that kind of alias. A work around such as the previous post is required or you might simply want to in-line compute the expression with something like:

    select 1+2 as Three, (1+2)+2 as Six

  • Thanks for the answers guys.

    I have inlined my expressions in the past. The problem is, of course, that when they get large it can gets very difficult to read/maintain.

  • Please give this page a look:

    If this is something that you like please comment on it and I will also do the same.

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